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Posts posted by P+J

  1. If you analyze the dashboard data, a significant increase in the submission of I-129F petitions occurs each March (between February and March for 2010, 2011, and a similar trend in 2012). It is very likely that any change in processing times will only affect petitions submitted during this influx. They will want to continue to approve as many of the previously submitted petitions as possible because the backlog will only grow if they don't address it. They will not suddenly have our petitions being approved months from now. I'm confident that we are all very close and very safe. So if there's any merit to this idea of an increased processing time, it will most likely be affecting March filers and beyond. July also appears to be another popular month with an increase in submissions. March was quite significant however. It's interesting to see. But hopefully they will do something about the influx and assign more adjudicators because it's unfortunate for anyone who has recently filed or will be filing soon.

  2. My God.... I hope we will start seeing some a lot of approvals this week. Up until two weeks ago I was handling the wait time very graciously (ok, 89.6% of the time), but this week I have become (slightly) nervous and very anxious!!!! Please Lord, let us all get NOA2's very soon!!!!!!!

    It certainly is more difficult as you approach estimated adjudication dates! Hoping to see many December petitions approved this week and maybe a couple of Januarys in there too. we shall see what happens...

  3. Here's something that's slightly confusing about those numbers

    Here's one from the list I have

    EAC 12 900 20151

    According to various sources on the web about the CLAIMS3 system, they say that the number breaks down like this;

    EAC Meaning the service center

    12 Being the fiscal year the application was received (This is a November number from 2011, but the fiscal year is 12

    900 Is the computer workday in the fiscal year that the application was processed (From memory, this usually covers a few days, but there are also multiple computer workdays per calendar day)

    20151 is the actual case number

    That particular petition had it's NOA1 on December 2

    This number however, EAC 12 901 20151, had it's NOA1 as December 16, I have a feeling that the format is actually EAC 12 9 012 0151

    EAC - Filing location

    12 - Fiscal Year

    9 - Fiscal Month

    012 - Processing day

    and 0151 being the case number. Makes more sense, no?

    The reason being that every time I go through these numbers, that seems to be the way it forms. the 012 relates to December 16-19, 011 seems to relate to December 13-15... I've probably gone through close to a few thousand petitions and this is the format that makes the most sense.

    The good news is, that a lot of the numbers on my list for processing day 12, are showing as either RFE or fully approved. Most January filers were day 16. I've only got a small sample of the numbers. We're all close!

    Quality work photomile. I've been playing around with these numbers tonight. I think we'll be seeing quite a few approvals soon. We're very close.

  4. I am going through the exact same thing. I called yesterday and they told me that Vermont is backup from June 2011. They received my file on January 19th 2012. When I called they told me they are behind. My fiance and I have a child coming in Sepetember and I am afraid he wont be here to see his son born. I also just want to cry if I have to deliver this baby by myself. Any answer?

    I think you'll have NOA2 by June or July worst case scenario (but maybe even late May if approvals continue at the current rate). There is absolutely no evidence to support these CSR statements. If you look at the timelines here they are well into approving petitions from December (actually they are about half way through them) There were also a reasonable number of approvals at VSC this week for December and even one from January. I'm very confused as to why CSRs are stating June 2011. It is completely inaccurate and there is no one still waiting for their K1 from June 2011. A delay like that is just not going to happen. I would advise everyone to watch the timelines here and gauge processing that way. The CSRs have been very inconsistent. They are either clueless. Or merely just referencing that updated document from the 23rd even if it's erroneous. I'm absolutely convinced now that unless you can speak to someone at a higher level (as someone who had a congressman inquire did) you will continue to receive the same script which is merely the CSR typing in K1 and reading the date as indicated in the recent update.

    I was very concerned about this earlier in the week when the bizarre processing dates appeared. Contacted the attorney that I used (might as well use them for something) and had confirmation that his office has had a stream of December petitions trickling in as well as confirmation of a 5 months processing time when he made his inquiry. I have no clue what the deal is at VSC right now. It's very annoying, but I would say to just try not to think about it. Unless timeline updates suddenly cease and it gets very very quiet, there is no reason to expect our petitions will deviate significantly from the expected 5 months processing time.

  5. Hey don't worry about. I was going through the same thing as you and I got the NOA2 today. I am a Dec 30 filier so it should be soon for you. We went through Vermont too, I was getting worried as well but happy now.

    Congrats Cyberfx!! if you can make sure to update your processing center to Vermont. Will help us gauge the timelines more accurately. Any data for TSC is not getting into VSC's timeline calculations

  6. even if the OP is a troll this is a damn horror story for every k1 customer. it wasnt rainbows and sunshines at my poe either but god forbid...

    Definitely. It warns us all to continue to expect the unexpected and honestly just to be prepared for anything throughout this process. We can all help our fiances be prepared for any questions at POE, so something like this doesn't alarm them or catch them off guard. After a long flight, it's better that they know what to expect.

  7. Guys, We need to take into consideration that not all I-129f applicants are registered with visa journey website. It means that they could be more December and even January approvals at VSC more than those we have here at this website. VSC is back on track, they backdated their processing time for not being bothered with inquiries about applications that are over 5 months old. Our turn is coming sooooon God willing :yes:

    Yup my attorney office said December approvals have been trickling in from VSC

    when I contacted them. They are still confident in saying mid May to early June as potential time frame for approval.

    We're all so close now. Almost there.

  8. 20-30-40 years it doesn't matter they don't have any influence on the work load at USCIS, and what petitions are getting approved. I filed myself with no lawyer (and happy I did saved $$$$) and got approved with no issues. If you look at my timeline my total process from filing till Visa in hand was 5.5 month.

    Yup definitely. It's awesome you were able to get from initial filing to Visa in hand within that timeframe. Makes me hopeful. It seems right now that the data supports a steady rate of approvals at VSC. They are clearly working on December. Nothing supports the idea of a sort of VSC shut down or backlog to affect petitions at this point or the bizarre processing dates presented in that report. Just reporting the facts based on what we're seeing on timelines here and information I have been able to acquire on my own. It is what it is. But I agree. We have no control. I probably wouldn't have used an attorney, but I was not aware of the abundant alternative resources at that time. They were reasonably priced and have been very professional, so it hasn't been too inconvenient. Glad to know this resource exists for all future stages.

  9. Definitely an attorney is the right way to go now. Although you often don't need one in this process, now it's clearly necessary. They may be able to assist you in fully exploring your options and navigating the intricacies of this situation because it's certainly going to be very complicated from here on out. The question they asked was very bizarre. She definitely must have reached an officer on a very bad day because this is just not common at all for K1s.

  10. Something really crazy must have happened at POE. This is just not at all common. It had to be above and beyond her saying "husband." I think we would need play by play details of what happened to make sense of it. It had to have been like a domino effect coupled with limited English skills that yielded such a disaster. Something she said had to have been very severe or severely misinterpreted.

  11. Yes. I don't really know what to think of it all yet..After contacting my attorney and his inquiry it helped alleviate some of my concerns. Also, the law office I used has steadily received approvals of December petitions over the past several weeks. They're still projecting late May / early June as a conservative estimate for my petition as filed in January with the potential it could even happen sooner. They've been at the business over 20 years, so I'm going to trust they have some experience in the projections that they provided.

  12. Timeline updates indicate two December petition approvals and one January at VSC for today (4/25). Something is obviously not correct with the statistics and dates on the website or it will be affecting petitions that were filed more recently. I think anyone who was relatively close to NOA2 will not be having a problem. And it may be that no one ends up having a problem with delays. Only time will tell.

  13. just looked on vsc site and every petition has a dated time hard to beleive maybe they went on strike? as nothing has a month

    There was a January petition approved at VSC today (based on our timelines here). I don't think it's much to worry about at this point..have to wait and see how many people are updating timelines here to get some perspective on the current processing times.

  14. how long do you think it will take to work thru the files..?!?!

    ps.. how did you find out a Jan. flier was done today... is there a link?

    Also, if we can get some more December approvals through VSC, I'm thinking January approvals will start rolling in pretty consistently about the second or third week of May. At that point, it probably could happen at any time for January filers...but there still needs to be more December approvals. When the number of unapproved K1s at VSC hits about 25-30 for December I'm guessing we'll be almost completely in January mode with only a few Decembers awaiting adjudication (there always seems to be a few timelines that are never updatd after NOA2) But there needs to be more December approvals. Although this approval is a welcome relief after all the craziness earlier in the week.

  15. how long do you think it will take to work thru the files..?!?!

    ps.. how did you find out a Jan. flier was done today... is there a link?

    I originally noticed someone had updated his profile status. Then I checked his timeline and he was a January filer. The first one of us to receive approval. Immigration Timelines - Processing Status - Igor's List....


  16. Hello!

    We have a co-sponsor, 3 years of her tax returns, paystubs and letter from her employer.

    But my main sponsor only has the tax returns for 2011 /paystubs/letter from his employer.

    Will that be an issue?

    Nope. The embassies are most concerned about current employment. Won't matter what someone earned three years if they don't have a job this year. You will be absolutely 100% okay with what you have. And if you are using a co-sponsor because your income is not adequate than I don't think it matters what you include about your current employment other than maybe the tax return. At the AOS stage you can use the sum of two sponsors. Right now they will only look at your co-sponsor.

  17. exactly the awesome news i wanted to hear on a very cold, very wet, very long wednesday here in london! the other great news (for me anyway) is that my fiance was so spooked by the VSC freakout the other day, he booked his flight to come over as soon as his med school exams finish on june 5th! every cloud... :P

    Yes. My day was exhausting and to see that update made it so much better. Even though the 8.7 months thing made no logical sense..Just the fact that it happened was enough to spook us all. I think it caused us to think about the horrible what ifs? ha. But I think we'll be even happier in a few weeks. Praying and hoping for it. The days do seem longer as we approach the time when adjudication is possible. Certainly makes you think about it more...

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