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Posts posted by P+J

  1. I feel like they really went to vacation...hope they speed up..im sick of all the vaiting

    Definitely. I really hope we see a flood of approvals these next 2 weeks to compensate for this slow down. I really don't see how they'll have any other option because if they don't speed this up, god help everyone who filed after us. I can't imagine how backlogged they'll become. There was a pretty significant number of petitions submitted in the Spring and the summer will only get worse for them.

  2. I looked at vegas weeding a while ago. Only down point is they won't do the name change on cirtificate. In my state i can get married and do name change all in one... otherwise would have to apply seperate for name change after vegas wedding, which is same cost of marriage certificate to begin with. Not that this is reason to do what you want, but it does cause twice as much paperwork to make same goal (the last thing i need is more paperwork after this process... will be cashed out on vacation days by then!!!). :ot2: OK, we are 10% done with Jan... I think they can finish off the month in next 4 weeks. Also think the weekend holiday would be good timing to put the staff back on the 129's next tuesday (natural break ie... do these before the holiday and then get back on track with others after)... A lot of petitions will reach 5 months soon so they will have to shift the resources back to accomidate the timeline goal..!!!

    Definitely. I think we'll see adjudication rates significantly above average in the next two weeks. I'm still hoping for my VJ timeline estimate to happen. They can't even afford to let our petitions linger on into 5 months because they have a very significant backlog at this point. February and March submissions were pretty significant and it's only going to increase from here and into the summer. It will be very interesting to see how hard they hit these January petitions when they get back.

  3. You too... And to the rest of my January friends....relax, it's coming and it won't be long. Next week, even though it is a holiday week, is going to be very good!!!!!! We are sooooooooooo close!!!!!!!!

    It really helps to look at the data sometimes..June has consistently been "work your #### off month on K1s" at VSC.


    I think they will get through January quickly. Next week and early June is definitely our time.

  4. I finally met May in the Philippines on April 28, 2012 and stayed there until May 16, 2012. I proposed to her on her birthday while I was there (May 6) and sent the paperwork on May 21st. Now the long wait begins and back to Skype. I've been reading these forums for months now and received a lot of helpful advice. My problem is, it hasn't even been a week since I filed and I'm missing her already. I don't know how people can stand waiting the 5, 6 or more months for their loved one. It's killing me already! I just want to be with her.

    Please someone send me some encouragement.. :)

    You'll definitely settle into a routine man. The strange part is..the hardest is at the very end. When the times up, and every day you hope it might be time for NOA2...

  5. Thanks for the positivity. I have tried to refrain from posting because I couldnt find it in me to mask my growing frustration with this process.

    The missed birthdays, graduations, weddings, events...are pilling up and I'm starting to wonder if this would EVER end.

    That being said, I'm pretty sure next week will be better. It HAS to be.


    I know...I was really looking forward to spending the 4th of July with Julia..At this point, without an approval next week, it will be 100% impossible...If by some miracle I get approval next week hope remains. If I can get out of NVC stage quickly...Kiev often has a very fast turn around time. Sometimes scheduling interviews within days of receiving and logging the petition.

  6. Next week HAS to be better at VSC.

    Week before last: very few approvals

    Last week: 10 approvals

    This week: 3 approvals


    Rest assured that they will absolutely have to pick up the pace. The flood of "summer petitions" will not relent, and it's necessary that they do not fall behind. I think we should see above averages numbers of approval the next two weeks. I'm still hoping my timeline estimate holds true...We shall see.

  7. You too... And to the rest of my January friends....relax, it's coming and it won't be long. Next week, even though it is a holiday week, is going to be very good!!!!!! We are sooooooooooo close!!!!!!!!

    Definitely. It's the calm before the storm. I'm expecting a flood of approvals when VSC gets back to work. They really have no other option. If we were to visit them now, a sign on the door might read "On vacation." But in the next two weeks..."We're in business!" They'll need to work double time to keep ahead of the many petitions filed in the summmer months. Next two weeks should be very good for everyone here. But for now, it looks like CSC has just about caught up to us.

  8. Yeah, I'm hoping for mid June too. However, when it goes past five months, I'll still do an inquiry. Petitions after mine have been approved, and I think it's likely many of us are in the same box or boxes.

    Yup I think we're all looking at mid June now with these adjudication rates....The holiday will most likely slow things down next week too. I'll do a congressional inquiry as soon as I hit 5 months however. Apparently it makes them have to pull the file. My case is simple so hopefully if an adjudicator pulls it, they will just get it out of the way.

  9. Paul & Sabi, I wish you happy news sooooooon regarding your NOA2, The best of luck.

    thank you! hopefully they'll get us out of the way, and then you're next my friend. I think you'll see a pretty good processing time. It has to pick up again. It seems to go in cycles. They'll definitely want to get as many adjudications completed as possible before the flood of new petitions in the summer months.

  10. Vermont is def slowing down. Cali and Vt are just 9 days behind each other. It was like 3 weeks just a while ago.

    I am getting impatient here! :/ I will travel to PA in 25 days and i really want to have the NOA2 by then just to make sure they won't make any problems at the airport.

    It seems like forever... Over 120 days... and not much progress :/ (I know, I know it's not that bad ;) )

    Maybe this week will be our lucky week. (Although I'm thinking next week is when we really start getting into prime time for adjudication)..Looks like we have the same touch dates along with NOA1. But I agree. CSC has done a tremendous job with closing the gap. They'll catch up to us soon at this rate.

  11. Yeah, and it doesn't help either when people won't. stop. asking. you. about. it. Driving me crazy!!!

    Definitely. No one seems to understand how crazy and even arbitrary these processing times can be. Would love to fast forward to August. By then hopefully we've had POE and this is all over. I've had to really alter my expectations with the rate things seem to be moving right now. In February, my hopes were soaring when they were cranking out adjudications for October and November filers..At one point my timeline was late April early May ha. Now not so much. At this point I just want to be within processing range.

  12. oh no! yeah the other ones around it haven't been touched... it's close though, so don't loose hope! :)

    Hopefully there's good news for some of us tonight! I'm still surprised at how much things slowed down for January Filers. They really adjudicated November and December pretty quickly...Maybe the weather has become a distraction..ha.

  13. it will fly, you'll see... the worst part will be in August when you are really close... Trust me, January filers are going through hell right now!

    Yes. The projected month of approval is the absolute worst of all! Each day you're just waiting and hoping that you'll receive notification. And in the back of your mind, you think about the few unfortunate petitions that seem to be delayed or forgotten each month....It does not get easier until that NOA2 arrives. I'll probably start working my Congressman as soon as I get beyond the projection on the VJ timeline. That way everything is ready if I need to use him. And based on some evidence here, even if you're not beyond processing time, a Congressional inquiry forces a pull of the file..so there's always the potential that it could be useful. But I hope I won't need it!

  14. OK....my patience is out, I'm done waiting...In other words, I am determined to get my approval this week....now if those mo-fos at VSC don't help me....then, I'm gonna be sad ad make the same statement next week....Now, let's hope it does not come to that....Good luck to all of us this week...the time is now!!! :yes: :yes: :yes:

    Definitely. We're getting approved this week! Positive thinking all the way.

  15. Hope so!! The timeline seemed to be unwilling to move on to January until today

    I know right? It's time for the flood gates to open on the January approvals. December is basically wrapped up. Very few left to approve when you factor in the RFEs and timelines that have been inactive. It seemed pretty slow last week for January adjudications but hopefully this week we'll make up for that. I'm really hoping to see adjudication sometime next week. but certainly would be happy to get some luck this coming week...we'll see what happens...

  16. Hey guys!! Checked USCIS website this morning and found out they sent an RFE on May 16!! My fiancee just left back to Florida from visiting me... now i have to wait for him to get home to check his mailbox!!

    definitely seems like approval can happen anytime for January filers now as you were a February NOA1. You're one step closer now, and hopefully they can process your RFE response quickly

  17. Well, I’m really glad this one is over...such a high hopes and such a low return from VSC K1 approvals...but, it is what it is...Next week will be much, much better...anyhow we are one day closer to the NOA2 approval then we were yesterday :)

    Great weekend to all-Cheers!

    Yup! You're right. I'm hoping in the next 2 weeks for most of us here! should be good days ahead.

  18. So it's been over four months since we submitted our application, Noa1 of January 11. We're still not able to track our case online. It says "your case could not be found at this time..." Has anyone else had this problem? I'm nervous Because I've been following this thread for a while And it seems like everyone is able to see their case... Help??

    It happens sometimes..You'll just have to contact customer service directly if you wanted to attempt to find a resolution or to get a case update. Hopefully we start hearing of some more approvals soon. Today was slooowwwwww....

  19. I know how you feel. We're 12/12 and still waiting too... :( Everytime Igor's List gets updated I feel a little more hopeless. It seems to be so much further ahead than what CSC and VSC claim...

    A lot of it has to be scripted. They just want to keep people passive for as long as possible. I know members have called in the past and received a range of processing dates with little consistency. Really all one can do is watch the trends here. It's really one of our only windows into what's going on in this process. And also playing with the receipt numbers ha

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