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Posts posted by P+J

  1. Nope, our congressman's immigration liaison has been out of the office all week. So it turns out NOTHING has been done.

    ahh..that time of the year I guess. I'm planning on starting something next week with it. Coming to the conclusion of 5 months so I don't feel it'll be too early. the chances that they're going to just systematically approve it on day 150 are low. so might as well just get things rolling. it's been enough time.

  2. Well apparently when we called in the middle of May we somehow launched a service request then. So we're waiting nearly a month later on a service request. Wonderful.

    Wow. Terrible. Maybe the Congressional Inquiry will have some effect...But at this point, it seems we can count on nothing...

    uhhh, my mistake, i guess the CSC approved noa2's (more than 1) were sent to National Records Center by accident... be lucky you were not in this pile. CSC wants them back to re-review to be sure everything is in order (they were told could take up to 90 days). whew... you may be passing up some of those Dec petitions after all...

    kiev or bust.

    Wow. That is a terrible turn of events for those petitions. This process is crazy. ha. Seems like everything went to hell starting in May..

  3. Sounds good to me :) I have a feeling I am in a box where you guys are :) that could speed things up for us too I hope :)

    Yup. If we're in the same box, maybe they'll pull the whole thing off the shelf. They have to report back the status of the petition regardless of what they do. And technically they work for Congress. Congress created them. I'm hoping what that former adjudicator said was true. The interview on this website said that when they receive an inquiry, it often updates in the system to "pull file and work immediately." Again as long as it's within reason. obviously can't call 2, 3, or even 4 months in and expect that type of result. But next week is the last week before my 5 weeks are up. So it might get some movement going. Combat this roulette a little bit. Hopefully, it will get some results. So a few more days and most likely I'll give this a try. Should be interesting to see what happens. I would also think the average filer is not initiating inquiries. so the few of us that do probably have a shot at something happening. Now if he'll actually call there, then I'll be very interested to hear how that goes ha.

  4. and really unfair.. some people already have their visas and they filed in December... I find it extremely frustrating... There should be the same "law" for all of us, unless the case is very difficult! Mine is easy, so are most of yours :wacko:

    Exactly. I'm contacting my attorney today to get his opinion on some of the options with the Congressional inquiry. I have a close enough relationship with my Congressman (family friend) that maybe he'd even call them on behalf. I wonder what kind of level of service that would yield. I don't know if it would even help at all. But I'm looking to anything right now to just get this over with. I really don't want to be sitting around 3 weeks from now still wondering what's going on with NOA2..This process is horrible.

  5. My fiance's been here nearly 2 months now and for the entire time he's been here I've only been able to take 2 days off of work. He goes home next week, but at least the next time I see him, it'll be for good :) The waiting definitely seems longer when I look at old timelines and see that many that filed October-December got their NOA2s in 4 months.

    Yup we basically lost an entire month as January filers. It was very surprising..

  6. Same here! We all hoped we WEREN'T that lost box in the black hole and now look :(((( I'm still in my 5 month window though so I can't complain. Come June 20 if I haven't heard anything I'm calling my congressman's office again. They said they would call and check on me so we will see what happens.

    Yes. I might start reaching out to my Congressman next week, but maybe just maybe I'll wake up tomorrow to NOA2. ha. They need to find the box of 2/09 touches and work it.

  7. Hey Paul, why don't you get approval tomorrow, plan to come to interview, and we meet in kiev for some much needed Baltaka and Borsch?? :yes:

    100%. I get approval and I'll be there. Kiev is awesome in the summer. Things are pretty crazy right now with Euro's first game in Ukraine this coming Monday. By the time our girls have their interviews most of that will have passed ha.

  8. My timeline shifted today...+2 days...I gave up on this week and now I'm all about next week. Oh, and I almost forgot, I found out that coefficient of correlation of me checking USCIS website and average time for VSC to approve my application is 0...I was hoping to see inverse relationship:):) ah well, another one bites the dust :D

    Indeed. I think next week might be the week for us (Although I know we say that every week ha) But statistically it should be based on the average processing time for petitions and USCIS projected processing times. At least there was another approval this evening. A mid January in addition to another late January. The roulette continues. so we'll see what happens..My timeline ended up - 2 days now. Which puts me beyond the VJ approval window. But I figure add about a week to that for any level of accuracy with the amount of data we're working with.

  9. My timeline was up today, still nothing... My case must be in the wrong box, on the wrong desk, with the wrong adjucator...i just feel hopeless now

    Yup. We honestly can't even get excited now until we solid 4-5 approvals each day along with a more systematic pattern for dates. They are in an absolutely huge hole right now. We literally lost 3 weeks worth of processing maybe more. They were cranking out NOA2s for petitions in December at about 4 months each. If you look at December, there were petitions filed at the end of that month getting NOA2 at the end of April. We should have been well through January long ago. June is going by very quickly...Yet this will probably feel like a very long and agonizing month in every way....

  10. Yes Paul, as you said "all roulette". It's a matter of luck now regardless of your NOA1 date which is so frustrating that your application is just holding there and no body even looked at it, while others who applied after you got approved. The only thing we have now is praying praying praying. Lord have mercy upon us all amen.

    Yes. I hope all of our prayers will be answered soon. Everyone here deserves it, and we have waited patiently for them to process our petitions in a timely manner. It disturbs me to see that some petitions will randomly get neglected and endure some irrational and lengthy processing time long after the approval of their peers. I think it's most troubling because this is a very personal process (some less than sincere couples may get through), but most of us truly love and care for our beneficiary and were willing to endure this nightmare just to be with them. So in a way, they are playing dice or roulette or whatever we want to call it with our lives...Honestly, there should be a system that prevents any petition from grossly exceeding those 5 months (the service requests are less than adequate). Again, it hasn't happened to me yet. But the thought sickens me. I know a part of me will really experience some sadness when I check my timeline this weekend and see that my approval window has passed...The scripted responses when we call, the inaction when petitions linger beyond the normal processing time, random RFEs for documents that were most likely lost during process, and the NOA2 isn't even the end of the battle for the K1...It's a nightmare process. But I agree. May God help us all. It appears January filers are going to really need it.

  11. I want that and no RFE at this stage, seeing how much time takes them to get you back in the line...

    I know. I would be very angry if I received an RFE after using an attorney with over 20 years experience doing K1s. The only explanation for something like that would be they lost my documents..gah. that would be terrible. It would be pretty unfortunate to pay 340$ for a 15 minute approval that takes 6 months while losing your documents along the way...Something just doesn't sit right with me in that situation. I think we need to modify the website banner a little bit. Along that road to the Flag, we need to add some flames...because this process is definitely hell. ha.

  12. Looks like that was the case from the very beginning...

    Yup the lack of consistency is probably the most stressful aspect of this entire process. At least if we could see them coming down the line with approvals it would alleviate some anxiety.. I just want to be within processing time. Got the rest of this week and next week and then my real disappointment will commence...

  13. So far today I've found 1 approval and 1 RFE. The approval was the number before ours! We are 33, they were 32! GAH!

    ahhh. that has to be frustrating. I've been monitoring around my petition on a daily basis. nothing yet. But gah. to have the petition directly preceeding your own receive approval. It's time for NOA2. Tomorrow is your day I hope photomile!

  14. Please God, I was JOKING!!! Woohoo, 1 week before 5 month!!

    Post Decision Activity

    On June 5, 2012, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.


    I would also give my left nut for an approval this week. If it gets the job done. haha. Congrats brotha!!!!

  15. Awwwww I was hoping I'll see some approvals when I come back here after the long weekend and nothing? Hmmmm that's not good... We gotta be strong though! It will happen this or next week!! :) just hang in there a little bit more!

    I hope you're right Sabi. This wait has become absolutely tortuous. Our petitions need some action. It's crazy to think some petitions filed at the end of December were approved almost 2 months ago...

  16. Not really. An age gap up to 10 years is acceptable and even advisable for a love marriage.

    Ask anyone in Eastern Europe about bigger age gaps, and you will only get one answer: green card/money. That isn't frowned upon, the lady is just seen as smart and protecting her back (and everyone concludes with "hope he dies soon so she can marry someone her age"). Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you were a 49 yo living modestly in Ukraine, there is no chance in hell you would have gotten someone so young (unless you looked really really good for your age). I know most people don't accept that, and think they are the exception, but, hey, we know what we talk among ourselves.

    That's not to say your wife doesn't really love you - just pointing out that the whole "green card, a better life" aspect of your relationship plays a bigger role than it does for normal couples.

    This poster is 100% correct.

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