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Posts posted by P+J

  1. No!!!! That really does suck. Jeez. What could it be for? :crying: Hope it gets out of there soon...at least you have a fast consulate, so as soon as it moves from there, you should be in for smooth sailing, right?! Such a bummer. This process just lifts you up only to smack you back down..that's how I felt waiting forever just for an interview date after approval....up, down, up, down. Ugh. We all need this to be over! Good luck, Paul!

    Yes. Just terrible. Maybe it will be fast and out of there by Friday. Maybe calling today was so soon that I didn't get an accurate gauge on what's going on. I can't imagine the torture of being stuck there....especially when so close. Hopefully it's just a quick thing and can move on soon. Feels like bad luck never ends with this :(

  2. I'm hoping that we're all out of NVC fast!! Maybe could be calling our respective consulates next week. Take about 2 days to get to my embassy after leaving NVC from what I've seen. And then about another 2 days for input into the system at the consular's section. So hopefully we'll speed along through this. It's weird to think that 2 weeks ago didn't even have NOA2 yet ha.

  3. its like this thing is a hit an miss, we got approved Monday, our case has left the NVC already but my friends who got approved 2 days later cant hear a word on their case. :( hope you all hear something soon, havent heard from paul yet

    and btw, congrats to sara, we saw the approval and good luck photomile, you seem really prepared so you should be fine :thumbs:

    Yes. Nothing at NVC yet. Tried yesterday and will try again at the end of today. Hope to get out of there this week if I'm lucky. It does seem hit or miss sometimes with the speed. Definitely more luck involved in each stage than I would have ever imagined.

  4. OMG I was just reading that thread..that is crazy! I think things ended up like that for the poster for multiple reasons and it just went down hill from there for her. That's too bad. unsure.gif

    Yes. I was reading that tonight too. sounds like a terrible situation but also very strange. Maybe there's more information than what was disclosed in the post...But anyway. Enveloped protected and sealed! I can't imagine what would happen if someone lost it...now that would be a disaster. No luck with NVC today. But I knew it was probably pretty early looks like you need about 7-8 business days minimum..But hopefully early next week some of us who were approved 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, or August will be able to get our case numbers. :thumbs:

  5. Not much we have to do Mel. You can call NVC but that's pretty much just for yourself to find out about your case number. We dont need to know it for police record or medical purposes as we have it done without it :)

    It's good to know the number when you contact the embassy, thats all.

    We will call NVC tomorrow so over a week after we have been approved... Once it reaches the embassy they will send us packet 3 which will be pretty much probably a link to their website to download the forms...

    I called today but no luck yet with a case number...It looks like case numbers were being assigned about 8-9 days after NOA2 for those approved the 30th and 31st. I'm thinking early next week I might be able to find something out..But I'll still try again tomorrow. :thumbs:

  6. We are just planning to put the employment letter in a standard envelope, pay stubs are too big to fit in it and also the tax returns so we just organize everything in a big folder and label the bottom of each page. try having it as organized as possible so when asked to present them, she can find it easily and in a way that she doesn't loose anything

    Yup sounds like a good plan. Try to make it as efficient and easy as possible. It's nice to be able to think about I-134 now haha. Thought that day would never come. It will be a busy month ahead.

  7. Congratulations Paul, Sabi, and Vosnmars!!!

    This is great news... So happy for you all... We have all waited so long, and its so nice to see us all finally move on from VSC. Wishing all the best of luck and quick progress through the NVC and the interviews!!!

    Thanks man! Yes. an awesome day. we all came into this together and now onward to NVC and beyond together too. :thumbs:

  8. 3 business days, we received it the following tuesday

    And sabi, I checked like 10 times the day after lol it felt nice to see the post decision note hahaha

    Awesome. yes. I know I remember reading it has to be kept safe because a replacement is very expensive? I feel like I read that somewhere before. And also that we'll need the actual copy later for something?

  9. awwwwwww thank you! Speedy approval for you guys! :) I am sure VSC is getting their ####### together now and in a month or two will get where they were before- 4 months processing time! All the best!

    Ooops you are at the CSC... that's even better :)

    Definitely. I really think VSC will be putting things back on track now. It's always been this way. It slows down, but then they shift resources back to K1s. Hopefully things can stay on track, and you'll be joining the NOA2ed much sooner than we did.

  10. OMG Paul!!! That is so great..this is the best ever!! Congrats mate!!! I remember the first thing I said to you was I think we are in the same box..I knew it LOL

    Yes! I believe it too. we were all in the same box. now on to NVC together too :thumbs:. We might even make it out with everyone else who was approved this week. I would imagine they send this stuff at intervals. Friday would be a logical sending day :)

  11. pault.png

    Im not gonna lie, this was the most exciting email of the day!!

    Ok, ok, i had predicted Wednesday :D

    Congrats man, this is exciting. I feel like mine is now closer.

    haha yes man. def! I got the text. and I was just like here we go another disappoin....wait. it's USCIS..then the email hit my phone a second later...VSC is back to life and I don't think you'll be waiting as long as we did. :thumbs: And you were very close to being correct with your prediction.

  12. I read that one, they were expecting RFE. Man the lawyer would have made a lot of us or we would be crying about RFE haven't it not been for VJ. Cant imagine getting RFE on the already 6.5 months of waiting

    An RFE would definitely be painful this late in the waiting period..I'm thinking I'll hear something in the next 5 business days now if I'm lucky...It's been pretty consistent that 1 petition has received some type of action in my group each day. Maybe they'll decide to approve an extra 1 tonight :thumbs:

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