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Posts posted by P+J

  1. we haven't heard back yet. If we don't hear by tomorrow , my fiance will be ringing them back...

    same here. If I don't hear anything by Wednesday I will call them back. I think I might take the time to call VSC around lunch and see if I can get a processing date out of them again. It would feel good to hear something different than 1/09 (as long as it's a later date) ha. If they tell me anything different I'm calling them out on it and asking for Tier 2. They really can't afford to be going backwards in processing right now lol

  2. I just called USCIS and actually spoke to someone very quickly. That is about the only positive thing I got out of the call. I figured I would call so I could say that I called. I had the pleasure of speaking with Christine, ID 2681745. She was pleasant enough, but gave incorrect information. I told her I was out of normal processing times and wanted to know what I could do to find out where I stand in this process. She told me they were processing September 15, 2011 files! I asked if she was joking. She said no, that this was normal processing times for Vermont and I should check back next month. I asked if that meant that there were no approvals since September last year - not a single one - she hesistated and said yes, that's correct. She said to check online because that is what was posted as the processing time. Well, I did that and she was giving me the processing time for K-3/K-4 - Already married - spouse and/or dependent child.

    I won't be calling back. I made my call to say I did it. I'm done with that. :bonk:

    Yes. It takes a few CSR to get one that even knows what they're doing...haha September 2011...I've heard everything now. Last week they said that they were processing January 9th. I might call today and see if the script has changed. Hope some people will have good news tonight. It's quiet so far. I think around 2-3 pm if we're lucky there should be some sign of activity. It always seem to start after that time on a Monday (on the days things were actually happening)....

  3. No NOA2 for us either (Jan 12 received/Jan 13 NOA1). I am hoping that we will get it before our 6 1/2 year anniversary next thursday :(

    VSC is failing all of us right now..I would call tomorrow Nehelania. You might be eligible for a service request at least. Hopefully they aren't still processing "January 9th." Gotta love those scripts they read off of. They just want us to shut up and go away.

  4. i dont know what we gonna do if we dont have the approval by this friday. im already at the most depress state i have ever been in my life. i just wanna be with my baby. She gets here July 4th so thats a positive but i dont want her to leave without knowing the status of our petition, at least NVC stage is acceptable by then

    Yes. I feel the same. It's very depressing. I am holding on to a little hope that this week could improve for us..But I just can't shake this bad feeling. I want to so bad. I just don't have a good feeling about things for this week or the week after. But I think it all comes down to us having to operate with so many unknowns. I just wish someone could explain what's going on at VSC right now. Maybe some of the immigration liasons at our Congressman's offices could help us get a clearer picture of what to expect from this point out. This week was literally our last hope to salvage a tolerable processing time. I honestly can deal with 160-165. Heck even 170 wouldn't be ideal but it's better than what we're looking at if they fail us again this week. I just wish it hadn't come down to this. There should have been a better way to appropriate the cases to finish in a timely manner. Hopefully we'll at least see some more activity, it's the lack of approvals that's most disheartening of all.

  5. really wanted to go help my fiancee moved into a new apartment this august. thanks to uscis, the possibility of that happening is next to 0 right now. :crying:

    Yes. they succeeded in ruining the summer for many of us. If they can approve some of us this week, it won't be forgiveable but at least tolerable. We have another week like last week again...then God help us all. Because we'll be certain to lose the next week too. We'll have reached new levels of disservice. The 5 months processing time listed on the website is seeming like more of a cruel joke with each passing day. But maybe this will be the week. Hopefully VSC can straighten itself out...enough is enough.

  6. I was hoping to leave September 1st and it was to be like way ahead and possible to do... well at this moment if I am not approved by the end of this coming week I am saying bye bye to that date and saying hello to October 1st... I am hoping this is the last change in dates that I have to make...

    Hoping so much that many of us receive approval this week. It needs to be a good week for all of us.

  7. Maybe the server has just been suddenly overwhelmed with changes to post-decision that it can't handle all the approvals we're about to see! *sigh* I might already have mine, but I can dream right? Haha...

    haha I know right. Wouldn't it be great if the lack of approvals has all been a server problem? and we'll access it tonight or Monday and be so pleasantly surprised. it's a good dream. wish it could be a reality for all of us. I still think something is weird with our mid Month petitions. for some reason they just did not get into the hands of adjudicators in the way that they should. such a void mid month can not merely be due to chance.

  8. Com'on Mmmmmmoooonnnnndddddaaaayyyyyyy and July 25th! As much as I hate to say it and think about it, I won't be surprised if I'm not approved by July 25th.... :( I hope my secretary lady has good news for me on Monday :(

    Me too. I hope the secretary can give us all some insight because most of us in the middle of month are in a similar situation. I'm excited for the week to begin. But also very nervous because this is sort of a make or break sort of week for all of us. They either pull their act together at VSC or we have the disappointment of some very poor processing times to look forward to :( ... I have no confidence in that next week being good. 4th of July on a Wednesday will not be in our favor at all..It's either champagne and congrats for many of us this week..or stuck staring into the beyond 5 months processing abyss. It's unfortunate that it even had to come to this. It just feels like so much time was wasted over the past month. Help us out VSC. Please stop being VDC.

  9. Paul may I know if we can still receive an email notification about our case status even if we couldn't encode our case number in the uscis? We tried to sign up for mobile notification nd email but it won't accept our case number. My fiance tried to called uscis and made a follow up they said to wait for 3 days and our 3rd day wud be this monday. But upon reading this thread it seems that they just gave us false hope about when to expect our approval.

    It is unlikely you would receive email or text notifications without being able to activate it on the website. However, maybe a CSR could assist you with enabling it in some way as some users were able to receive the text notification of NOA1 via sms before receiving their receipt numbers so a system independent of the website must exist. I'm not sure if this could also work for NOA2. But it's worth looking into. Some users found that the website also accepted their receipt number after approval of the petition had occurred.

    And the USCIS case status webpage crashed. "Server is currently unavailable or down for maintenance". Waaaaaaaah!!!

    At least they picked a Sunday for it :D

  10. This was a pretty funny post from the previous time that Vermont was a Disservice Center. Sadly we have reverted back to these hard times. But hopefully not for long. I think the hardest thing about all of this is our lack of rights. It's as though falling in love with someone from another country was a crime. That's what makes it so incredibly frustrating. Almost seems like criminals receive more rights than us when we're simply following the legal channels necessary to reunite with our loved ones. So many weeks of disappointment. Hire some more adjudicators or reevaluate how you are appropriating the work and directing resources. Why is it so hard to figure out? But at least this was good for a laugh:

    "CAPTAIN KIRK: Captain's log, stardate 06-22-2012. We are again orbiting the Vermont Disservice Center to investigate reports that I-129f petitions are disappearing into a black hole. Landing party, report!

    MR. SPOCK: Captain, we have arrived at the Vermont Disservice Center. It is an illogical place with I-129f petitions stacked up to the ceiling. Logic would call for these petitions to be processed, but nobody is doing anything.

    DR. MCCOY: Jim, there are bodies all around. I'm getting no readings on my tri-corder. I think they're all dead.

    CAPTAIN KIRK: Are those the adjudicators? Is that why nothing is getting done?

    SCOTTY: No, Cap'n. These are the petitioners. Many perished during the seemingly endless wait for their petitions to be processed.

    DR. MCCOY: Dammit, Jim, we need a new system around here."

  11. until now our case has no development, we still couldnt find our case in the uscis site. am so happy to all of you guys who got approved but at the same time i feel envy. :(

    we hit our 5th month last june 12. hoping we will get some good news this coming week.

    I think it will be a good week. And hopefully those of us who are initiating congressional pressure can make some waves. Even if it's a ripple maybe the summation of multiple inquiries will get some more resources directed toward our K1s. And watch the mail Alexisnicole, maybe you'll receive notification that way this week. Sometimes the website doesn't work accurately.

  12. I kind of got the same impression. It feels a little like the February filers might want us to try to hurry up and get our approvals so that it's their turn? We are trying everything we can. Believe me, we want our approvals just as much as they want theirs :) Even more so, since we've been waiting a few weeks to a month longer.

    Yes. Really hoping VSC can spring into action this week and give us a week like CSC did last week. This is the make or break week for many of us January filers. Quite a few of us will be coming up on 160 days this week. And with the next week being a holiday week, it's clear that some of us (not all of us) might be looking at 180-190 days if we can't pull through with NOA2 this week. Hopefully the congressional inquiries and other actions we have all started initiating wake someone up over there...We'll know soon. Congrats to all CSC filers. They are doing a great job over there. Exactly what June has always been for adjudications when you look at the data from all the past years.

  13. Stats from VJ this week, vsc 9 approvals all week, CSC 14 approvals in just 2 days. #######!!! vsc needs some serious intervention. even peeps from feb getting approvals. this is freaking unfair. people genuinely wanna be with there fiancee and we all subjected to this long drawn out process :angry:

    Congrats to those 9 peeps that got through this week

    Really hope next week is a better result at VSC...

  14. My fiance is from Haiti but were over 171 days already. People in the military usually get first place or maybe it was because of his missionary status???

    Jan. 3, 2012 I-129F Mailed to USCIS Lewisville, TX

    Jan. 4, 2012 Delivered at 11:47 in LEWISVILLE, TX 75067 to USCIS . The item was signed for by J ARTHUR. Sent to Vermont.

    Jan. 8, 2012 12:40AM NOA1 (notification by text)

    Jan. 10, 2012 Touched

    Jan. 11, 2012 NOA1 hard copy received in mail.

    Not certain if that would have an effect or not. I think the main thing is that VSC still has a large number of January petitions that they just haven't moved on at all yet. The attorney I used has seen the same trend with the number of approvals trickling in..That's what I tried to stress to the February thread. You can maintain optimism but should prepare for anything. It looks unlikely that approvals in less than 150 will be the norm for a little while. How long that will go on is impossible to say for sure. But it seems like when VSC has backlogged in the past, it persisted for a couple of months. The delays in adjudication have an effect on all petitions filed after. The effect is eventually going to carry down in some way because they will have to adjudicate these petitions at some point. 160 + is what many of our petitions are averaging. I've prepared myself for anything between 160-180 days now. Anything earlier will be a pleasure to receive. And maybe I'll land somewhere in the middle. Or VSC could shock us all this week and actually pull it together...The main problem is we've said that for 6 weeks now..But I guess we have to be right eventually? :yes:

  15. Thank god you said something, LETS LOOK AT THE FACTS FOR TODAY And THIS WEEK

    VSC approved 9 Petitions this week ON THIS FORUM not all of USCIS!!! someone said on these FORUMS it is only 5% of the actual number being approved so if my calculations are correct that is well over 180 petitions getting approved this week!!! Pretty sure they must be pumping out over 250! ( My educated guess thats all about the 250)

    CSC approved approved 20 petitions this week ON THIS FORUM not all of USCIS!!! and that is over 400 getting approved this week!

    So please dont start with the your petitions will be done in september just because you didn't have good luck on the draw doesn't mean you should stick your problems and scare us and say go wait till Sept!!

    **RANT OVER**



    I was only hoping to save some people the heartache with a dose of realism. I was very idealistic going into this. And it's good to keep the faith. Just always remember that what you hope will happen and what actually happens are 2 very separate things. And you have nothing to worry about at CSC. Approvals seem steady and consistent there right now. Until Vermont pulls its act together, it is impossible to say what we're all going to be looking at in terms of adjudication times. If the average VSC approval time is going to be around 160-170 days, it's just good to be prepared. I sincerely hope they can finish a substantial number of January petitions in the next 2 weeks. Problem solved. But I've learned not to count on anything with this process now. And for January it has not been about good luck on the draw. It has been a significant number of petitions with no activity. They've idled for months. And that is why we're all a bit confused. However, I do think this upcoming week will be better. It has to be. So hopefully this is the week that VSC pulls itself together and both CSC and VSC petitions get the attention necessary to move all of us forward toward reuniting with our loved ones. I'm rooting for all of us.

  16. I am sure they just dont know or dont want to know about the fact that we actually have websites like this one and we keep track of who and when is actually approved... Its really funny if they think that people are clueless and have no idea about other people being approved on different dates that they actually trying to convince us they are! plus we can check other numbers on their website so it is easy to prove tey are not honest with us! This is the worst part of this whole process, them trying to convince us that we are within processing time to shut us up!

    Yes. It's the most frustrating part of all! It feels like they just want us to shut up and go away. The CSR scripts are the worst. It's like talking to a robot. I was hoping to put in a service request earlier in the week but because they are working on "January 9th" the computer refuses to accept any request after that date. I even mentioned to the CSR that it can't be correct as I personally know quite a few petitioners who have received NOA2 well beyond that date. They always act shocked and bewildered by the statement. It's always what the "VSC computer says" that surpasses all logic and reason. Honestly, felt like saying "Sir that computer can go to hell." I just wish I could fast forward to late August or early September now and have all of this behind me. Just very tired. And it's not even the amount of time yet that's got to me. It's really just how unknown things are right now, and it feels like we're staring into an abyss with the impending holiday. Because as we've seen, VSC adjudications and holidays do not mix well at all...So it's like we're down to next week and then prepare for God knows what after...

  17. Ireland is faster because we dont have million of petitions each year, true :) also we don't have so many scammers, true! But at this stage i just want to be with the guy i love... And i can't because someone doesn't trust my intentions , on top of that theres no fairness as people are being approved in no order! I can take the fact that this process is expensive! I can take it that it takes a long time... But lack of consistency and any sense in how the petitions are being processed just kills it! I can wait as long as i see everyone waiting the same amount of time, otherwise its a lottery and I didnt sign up for that. There should be some deadlines and refunds. Its a service that we pay for, not a charity work and a favor that someone does for us. I'm sorry i sound so horrible today but i am really frustrated today more than any other day ...

    You explained it perfectly. And this is what people fail to understand when we start complaining about the process. It's the arbitrary nature of the approvals, the lack of communication, the absence of any consistency, and our limited options to address the situation when we exceed normal processing time that makes this whole thing a nightmare. It's just too much of a lottery and we did not sign up for that nor pay for that. And the background check excuse is about the lamest thing I've ever heard. It has everything to do with improper appropriation of the files to be worked on and inconsistent adjudication rates. They don't even have to make K1s a priority but at least work on them consistently. But even 5 months was not that bad to me. I can handle that. Even an approval next week is completely reasonable. Not what I hoped for but I can understand things happen. It's if next week passes. Then 4th of July comes. and then I'm into mid July? How does that happen? It's like entire weeks of potential progress get obliterated every time the opportunity arises..

  18. Full steam ahead you guys :( they can't keep this up, and we shouldn't let them... CSC is at least putting an effort in. I think VSC needs a little kick up the booty.

    It's amazing to think that a few years ago this was a process that required about 60-90 days max. (People used to complain that 48 days was a long time)...Now we wait 4 x as long. 160 days is actually looking good to me now. NOA2 this week and I'm very happy. Just went to make it out of June...ah.

  19. Hello. I think a few here have mentioned the February filers already getting approvals, and we're happy that at least someone is :) So far, they've worked on the beginning and end of January and completely ignored the middle. A few here have called, but calling doesn't do any good. They'll just give you a scripted answer and say to call back in a month. I already sent a letter to my senator and contacted DHS Ombudsman, and a few others have or will be contacting congressmen and USCIS. I don't know if it will help the delay at all, but we really are doing all we can. I sincerely hope that all of us get approvals very soon.

    I'm glad for anyone to get approvals at this point. Just want them doing something. The quiet days are the worst. But overall this week has been an absolute disappointment in every way. I'm hoping for next week to finally result in NOA2. But I'm also going to prepare for the worst now...That I might have to endure until after the holiday. I just wish someone could explain what's going on. It's the not knowing in all aspects of this process that remains so frustrating. CSC is above 70 approvals now and well beyond 50% of VJ Timelines have NOA2..We're still in the low 50s...

  20. I told my fiance to tell whoever is going to ring him back from his congressman's office that we actually know people from February are being approved, so they dont listen to any "beginning of January" bull****! I'm really dissapointed ! Imagine, if he came here, we would get married and he would be legally able to work within weeks... I'm regreting our decision already....


  21. Thanks, I was just getting ready to post that! I just filled it out. I used some of the same format as LorRenee and mentioned that many around my date are still waiting.

    Yes maybe it could get something moving. It's crazy to look through the VJ timelines and see the void around the time we filed. No activity at all. Many petitions after have received adjudication. Doesn't make any sense.

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