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Posts posted by P+J

  1. I'm just glad it's on someone's desk and not collecting dust somewhere. And this may be too hopeful, but it seemed that right after Photomile and LorRenee found that their file was with someone, it was approved. I shouldn't, but I might do some extra refreshing on USCIS today.

    This is great news for all of us Knope. I think most of our cases are probably sitting with an adjudicator. VSC just needs to green light a work on K1s day..We are all next in line. We get a big day with a focus on K1s and I think many of us will be seeing approval..Just wish they'd get on them..gah.

  2. Looks like CSC is a month ahead of VSC. They are processing middle February applicants, while VSC got stucked in middle January. For the first time, I wish If my application would be sent to CSC better than sad VSC. Realy guys I am writing these words with a deep sadness. When you feel that you are unable to do anything as a disable person, that hurts a lot. Your future plan is dependent on others who are not aware how serious that process is, and how people are building their future plans on it.

    Yes. It's disappointing and there's nothing we can do about it...And I understand that they are probably in a difficult situation right now with whatever has directed attention away from K1s but completely neglecting the K1s is not going to solve anything. I had totally realistic expectations for this process, and just seeing something going on is better than nothing. My main concern is that we might go this entire week and again have so few approvals. It'll effect everyone down the line now. There will be a ripple effect to all of this. And it's just like the hole gets deeper and deeper. An approval this week or even early next week wouldn't be so bad I guess. but I want to at least see some indication that's even a possibility. The unknowns are what continue to bring us all down. After the 5 months, it's like you're just sort of hanging there over an abyss. It's a very uncomfortable place to be....And few of us have even heard back from our Congressman yet....Hope something can turn around this week. I want to believe in it.

  3. I shouldn't have added up my days...I'm at 160 as of today, with no approval in sight. I think Paul's at 160 now too, as are a few others. I may have to call USCIS and beg for a service request now. This is getting ridiculous.

    Let me know if there's any success because it will prove if my CSR lied or not. They explained that the computer will not accept a service request (automatically blocked with the reported processing date of 1/09). They were prepared to do it but it just won't go through no matter what they try..But I will say the service requests are pretty weak. better to go with Congressional as they apparently can find out if the petition is on a desk or not...which at least would be reassuring. I would think the average filer doesn't even explore such options as we are a very small percentage of the number of total filers...so maybe it can help in some way. especially now since we're all moving out of the 5 months processing. I think I will remove the phrase "watching paint dry" from my choice of words in the future and replace it with worse than "waiting for adjudication at VSC" to be used in all intolerably protracted situations that never seem to end.

  4. I'll ask again. Is it ok to chase the congress person's office or should we (im)patiently wait for them to get back to us?

    I don't think there's any harm in chasing it. They are here to serve their constituents and I would imagine inquiring with USCIS is not one of the most time consuming things for them to do. They deal with things probably much worse and complicated than this. Easy points for them to earn with their voters. Hoping they can get past all the noise, disinformation, and barriers that we encounter at the lower levels of service and maybe get us all some answers. I just don't understand how things can be going this way with the holiday next week. If no work is done at all on the K1s they've automatically added 14-20 days to our processing times simply through inaction...This has become worse than watching paint dry.

  5. I shouldn't have added up my days...I'm at 160 as of today, with no approval in sight. I think Paul's at 160 now too, as are a few others. I may have to call USCIS and beg for a service request now. This is getting ridiculous.

    I'll hit 160 days tomorrow from receipt date. Looks like 1/18 receipt date is still untouched. As Sabi pointed out, 1/17 seems to be as far as they have gotten (at least consistently) but again approvals are all over the place so who knows. just hope we don't have another day today without a single approval....CSC had 6 approvals here. and we had 0...just couldn't be much worse...it will be very concerning if we see nothing again today.

  6. I actually checked the numbers at the USCIS even though I was not to and there was no movements whatsoever. However there were a few petitions that updated only yesterday for 06/21 and 06/21 . Really odd... I am sure they worked on some January petitions and will update today just like they did last Tuesday! :)

    Wow. that is really odd. Guess we should all be watching our mailboxes too. Hopefully today we'll see somethihng.

  7. Guys they didn't really move on to the petitions received in February ;) check the timelines, those people are January filers except for 2 ;) it's been always this way that they were approving some odd ones from different months, we are just a bit oversensitive now with those petitions because it was to be our month ...

    Yes. the biggest issue isn't that some February petitions have been approved. It's the lack of consistency in January itself and the fact that VSC has shown little to no progress. CSC put out 5 approvals again on VJ timelines and that's on a Monday. We have 0.... :angry:

  8. I think they gonna use the holiday as another excuse for the delay in processing time. It'll be the middle of the month before they start working on more approval in July. :angry:

    That's what I'm afraid of too..We really need to see some approvals come through this week. Especially yours K.C. You have been patient enough and it's terrible you have had to wait so long. Hopefully we could see 12-18 approvals of VJ timelines this week (conservative estimate) but really we should see around 20 if they pull things together. Should be pumping out like 5 a day right now minimum. But it would also be great if they decided to give us 7 a day the rest of the week. Now that would be impressive. Imagine if they actually put some effort out the rest of this week and we could see 28 timelines updated with approvals here on VJ. It's nice to dream it I guess..

  9. what's this about a significant staff change at VSC?? I haven't heard anything about it... and yes, I've been watching the % bar not move on Igor's List for days now. :unsure:

    I hope it would mean assigning more adjudicators to process K1s. it's taken them 2 months to get through half the month of January and we're still seeing little to no progress.

  10. Whats up with Vermont? The state is full of bleeding heart liberals. Maybe they pulled the adjudicators and used them to take phone calls to answer questions about Obama's new directive.

    Does it sounds like I am irritated and fed up with VSC? :innocent:

    It's crazy how long they've been processing the month of January. Nobody knows what's going on over there. This week is 160 days for many of us...and all we receive is a scripted "processing 1/09" response when we call. No VSC approvals on VJ today either. so disappointing. it's awful.

  11. Thanks LorRenee! I called USCIS and get fed the same ####### you all have been reporting. I mentioned that I knew for a fact that people who filed in February had been approved and he just continued to say they were working on 1/09. I said "well your website says the processing times are 5 months, so why can't we do an inquiry?" and he said it was because their computers say they're working on 1/9 and I said "ok well when will we be able to do an inquiry? There's a clump of us who filed around the same date as mine and we have heard nothing and we know feb people have been approved" he said when the dates shift in the computer past our date we can do an inquiry. It was like talking to a brick wall.... I felt like banging my head against the wall after talking to them. If I could have, I would have gently banged his head against the wall... Haha

    Yes. It's a robo call. I'll probably call again at the end of the week if I haven't heard anything...so far today has been quiet..too quiet.. :(

  12. I'll try calling them later today and call them out on the 1/9 and say that I know that February people have been approved and ask about service request and mention that have they ever thought that maybe our file was lost and could you at least please lay eyes on it????

    I can be nice and patient but I can also get things done when need be ;)

    Yes it would be interesting to see how they respond to that. They were pretty certain about not being able to put in a request, the computer actually blocks it using that date...maybe this is something we mention to our congressmen? If they try to use the 1-09 date as proof of being within normal processing. And it does feel like they are walking all over us. I don't think they consider that with the internet we can see how their answers are less than honest.

  13. so unfortunately as much as it hurts, we won't be able to achieve much until next Monday when we jump into July...

    Yup. I stopped feeling sorry for myself today when I read a post from someone with an NOA1 of 12/05. They have been waiting 203 days at VSC. Obviously this is not normal. But it put it into perspective. My advice to him was to get proactive and figure out what the problem is. He's heard nothing. Not even RFE. So I don't think continuing to wait will do much good for him. As for us January filers, not much we can do right now other than wait to see what our Congressmen say.

  14. This user is at 203 days. Without an RFE or any update to his case status he most likely qualifies for an expedite. A congressional response could assist him in this matter. He is well beyond normal processing time. It is clear that somehow his petition fell between the cracks. A proactive strategy (handled in a respectful manner) through the proper channels is very advisable. I don't think letting this go is a good thing. It is possible for someone to now hear anything for 203 days. But is is not normal. Very few petitions wait this length of time. But I agree with the above user. Don't get angry just try to take the steps now to solve the problem.

  15. To be honest guys it feels to me as if this 5 months processing time was really 5 months counted in full months, doesn't matter they got your petition on January 1st or 31st. The whole June will be within processing time until we jump into July and that's 6th month then... I am telling you, there is no way they would be saying it if it was any other way...

    Yes. Makes sense. I agree completely.

  16. Hello my name is Dwight and I am a new member here, I recieved my NOA1 for my K1 on December 5, 2011, I learned that it was sent to the Vermont Service Center when I received the hard copy notification through the mail. I registered with the USCIS website and have only seen the words Initial Review to date. At the 5 month mark I did call the USCIS contact number and informed them that I was inquiring why my petition was outside of normal processing times in which the operator did a search on my EAC number and told me the same thing that I told her, that I was indeed outside of the VSC normal processing time and would send an inquiry on my behalf to the VSC office to get an explaination as to the status of my petition. I received an email from the VSC stating that my case was still under review and I should receive a decision within 60 days after receiving that email. Since then I have been reading and researching and trying to explain to my fiance why the process is taking so long. I read on this site about the "touches" and I looked at the USCIS Site to see just how many times my file had been "touched". I saw only one date, 12/13/11. The end of the additional 60 day waiting period is soon at hand July 10th to be exact and my fustration level is rising with each day that passes. I have tried to busy myself with work but my mind drifts back to the petition and wanting to know more. I know that all of this is not a question or a request for information, I suppose it is my way of venting. Anyway, good luck to those of you out there awaiting approval and for those of you who already have it, congradulations.

    Call your Congressman asap. There is no logical reason that you should still be waiting. They are currently working on 1/09 at VSC. Someone should dig your petition out and finish adjudicating it. It was just some bad luck and it's idling somewhere in a pile. More proof that this system is very very broken.

  17. No pessimistic just realistic with what we have seen so far, does not mean i'm not hoping that this mess will get fix soon ;) hope is a beautiful thing and keep us sane but it does no good to close our eyes on what is really going on either...


    Yes. I just hope we either see some approvals tonight or someone gets word back from their Congressman about what's going on exactly. It just doesn't seem like any progress is being made. Every time I've called they are prepared to submit a service request because I was at 5 months last Monday June 18th (our receipt dates are the standard for calculating 5 months and not NOA1). However, the computer system blocks them with the reported processing date. I guess I'll call again on Wednesday or Thursday just on the off chance that they update this sometime after Monday..but my guess is nothing will have changed. They seem to have insulated themselves from us being able to do anything. I just hope they don't read this script to our Congressman..It's entirely possible. At that point, we're pretty much powerless..This is one powerful agency that's all I have to say. Evil geniuses in their machinations and manipulation of this system. This has been a very cold welcome to the United States for all of our fiances. I just can not understand how it requires 2 months to finish adjudication on 2 weeks worth of petitions. Just need to see some timelines update here and I think we'll all feel better.

  18. And it seems that they update timeline once a month just like on the website...around 15th of the month...what is sad, is that it's for the month before....so in other words, timeline is already obsolete and inaccurate...but FU@# 'em :wow: -- we will persevere!!!

    Yes. It's like now casting when it comes to weather. The forecast is obsolete. We just have to look at what's going on at VJ. It's our best gauge of the situation. I do hope we'll see something this afternoon...anything.

  19. Personally I'd put the people on unemployment to work policing welfare and disability fraud. That would clean up a lot, no?

    Those programs are so abused it's ridiculous.

    Or we could train the unemployed to process cases through VSC. :)


    Wish they'd do something about it. VSC is still reporting processing date of 1/09...

  20. yessss....positive thoughts only...If you are a downer or pessimist no need to post :)

    Hey we are all in the same boat and end of June is going to be GRAND for all of us!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

    Made the call. USCIS VSC is still reporting 1/09....No service requests can be input at this time. So no change from last week. They are a powerful force. Basically they can suppress our service requests as long as they want. Until they update that date, we can't doing anything about it...This sucks..

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