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Posts posted by P+J

  1. Does anyone know how the 3 year continuous residence applies to immigrants who arrived on a K1 Visa? Does the clock on the 3 years begin upon marriage? arrival date on the K1 visa? or is it strictly based upon when the green card was received after marriage and applying for the 2 year green card?

    I've received some conflicting information before, and it does affect what the next step in my wife's immigration process.

    Her 2 year green card expires at the end of this September (2015). However, she arrived October 2012, and we were originally married in December 2012.

    Can we complete the N400 application and submit based on the 3 years she has been here after the marriage date? I'm guessing the time on K1 prior to marriage does not count toward the 3 years but just wanted to double check.


  2. If they are unable to deliver it to your fiance's address, I imagine that they will call her and let her know where to go to pick it up. Did she leave a good phone number with them?

    That was the problem. she didn't leave a phone number with them. I guess they didn't ask for it...The embassy would have her contact information however. She does have a receipt from FedEx luckily. I think I will get in contact with the embassy to ask what they suggest. At the least they could tell me when it was issued and what service center to expect it at...This delivery has definitely become a serious hasssle. I would suggest anyone who doesn't have a fiance living in a deliverable location (village) to just tell them to hold it in Kiev. I'm sure we'll get this sorted out..but...I don't think it will be too pleasant.

  3. Does anyone know if they usually call the individual receiving the visa when it's in Kiev or do they wait until it arrives at the nearest service station? My fiance called but they said "it wasn't there yet." I'm guessing that she must have called the main Fedex hotline. Just concerned that there is no record yet..

  4. Couldn't you have made arrangement to just pick up the Visa in Kiev? I am hoping to do this for my girls visa. We will stay in Kiev for the few days it takes them to prepare it.

    Yes. It is possible to just pick it up in Kiev. I think it's usually available in the Fedex office in Kiev in about 2 business days (however, I think it can require up to 5 days to process sometimes) We just didn't think it was necessary for her to stay if they are able to deliver it anywhere in Ukraine. We didn't have any problems with DHL as they contacted her when a package I sent arrived in Kiev from the states and then she traveled to the nearest service center. She did receive a receipt after paying for the delivery but I haven't been successful in tracking it. I'm just wondering if it's something they'll do when it departs from Fedex in Kiev or if she won't hear anything until early next week when it would arrive at the closest service center...

  5. My fiance received her approval on Wednesday and we were wondering when we should expect Fedex to contact her if her address is not serviced for delivery. She lives in a village and severral weeks before the interview (when I used DHL) they held the documents at the closest center. I asked her if they mentioned anything about delivery being an issue when she paid and gave the information for her apartment in the village. They didn't mention anything to her about delivery being an issue... She has a receipt and I played around with the numbers in an attempt to see if tracking worked on the Fedex website. there was an 8 digit receipt number (i would imagine not for tracking just for records) but also another number she thought might be possible to use:

    the other number was in this format:


    Is that format consistent with a Fedex tracking number?

    I've put it in the website for Fedex but no luck getting a record of it yet. and I don't even know if they would have it possible to track. She's about 8 hours south of Kiev.

    Her mobile phone connection can be incosistent at times. When I shipped using DHL they did call her to arrange for delivery and I think it was done when the package had arrived to Kiev. But we were just worried a little bit that something could happen and they didn't get in contact with her. We were hoping to have POE before this month is over..But really just can't move forward at all until everything is in her hands...

    Thanks for any help and suggestions that you guys can provide.

  6. Just saw both your timelines. Its crazy how both Service centers are so far apart from ea other. :bonk: :bonk:

    Congrats to anyone who can get this whole thing done in this time frame.

    Definitely man. It's crazy. About 3.5 months later than the petitions coming out of VSC. It's crazy how bad VSC still really is. I'll just be glad for the interview to be done and to move forward with my life now. :thumbs: I wonder if the consular officers notice something such as this? Wait was crazy.

  7. The better half just texted me that her interview went well, and our visa was approved. Would have loved to have been there, but had to work. She'll most likely be in the U.S. before the end of the month. Pretty exciting stuff!

    Congrats Man! Two days earlier and both of our fiances would have been there at the same time. Julia has her interview Wednesday! :thumbs:

  8. I'm coming here to post because you folks here know more about what it means to go through this than my friends and family do... My fiance left for Johannesburg on Wednesday. He had his medical today, and his interview is Thursday (the 13th).

    Part of me is nesting, cleaning out drawers, closets, scrubbing dark, long-neglected corners of my home. The other part of me is stressed, nervous. I can barely sleep. I'm terrified of the potential (negative) outcome. All I can do is read this site and google things, looking for an answer that isn't there, and won't be there until next week. I bought a video game and tried to play it to distract myself, but I can't even manage that. I even started smoking again.

    Normally I manage my stress pretty well, but the last two days have been pure hell and there are still six more to go.

    Did anyone else go through anything like this? How do you cope with this?

    Yes. The stress can be bad. I understand you. Interview for my fiance is Wednesday and although everything should be fine, the chance (however small it may be) for something to go wrong keeps you anxious. I've also found that there's not much you can do to alleviate the stress. You can prepare. Prepare some more. But it all comes down to that 1 day for the interview...hoping you'll have your good news soon. It will be the longest 4 days of my life waiting for this to conclude as well.

  9. pj let me know what they say about timing for interveiw also after last night sveta in for big surprise as she have no idea how we let off fireworks for the 4th and new years last night fireworks only about 10 minutes

    yes. I will definitely update you with what I hear about lead times. I'm thinking it's going to be about 2-3 weeks out for interview from the day we call. I'm really hoping they'll get back to me Monday about having the hard copy. Don't want to lose another week of time.

  10. It will be a week on Monday since they received my petition in Kiev and probably longer since receiving the electronic copy. I will be interested to see what the wait time for the interview will be. Hoping that it's in the system Monday. I submitted a case status inquiry at the end of the week (before the holiday) so hoping for some good news this week.

  11. How did you guys do it? I'm at 199 days and I'm about to lose my mind. Between CSC processing JUNE applicants and people from end of February getting their NOA2s. I am lost and forgotten. I've tried distracting myself and not logging into VJ or USCIS, but I just don't get it. Of the 53 petitions from 2/7 I'm tracking, 40 are done. Seriously, how hard is it to get to the other 10 for the love the almighty sweet baby Jesus, I'm about to go stark raving mad!!!!! cray5ol.gif

    Any advice? No response from Congresspeople or Senators or Justin Bieber, nor will they allow me to put in a service request 'cause you all know this one...they are still processing "Jan. 16th!"


    I really hope that you will hear something soon! January 16th...Now that is cruel..Seems like not much has changed over there.

  12. It is August 21 and you have no NOA2. I will say it if no one else will. There is no possible way in hell you will get an interview before mid October at this time and that is if the NOA2 comes tomorrow. Given current timelines I doubt she will be here for Christmas (Orthodox Christmas) and I will leave it to someone else to blow sunshine up your @ss. Figure 2 months, NOA2 to interview. Could be longer. AP at NVC could tie you up for 4-8 weeks alone. For us it was three months NOA2 to Interview and that was with NO delays. If you want to visit, then go visit and have fun. Do not attempt to make a plan to attend an interview until you have the interview date.

    No matter what some moron lawyer told you, there is no way to guess at this stuff.

    Gary is right. I'm still waiting for the hard copy to arrive at the consular's section myself. They did receive it electronically and delivery of the petition occurred Monday of this week. When it will be finally ready at the consular's section to schedule an interview, I'll finally be able to do something. I haven't relied on my lawyer for anything anymore. They'll just slow you down. I'm hoping that I'll be able to schedule a date by next week. At this point I'm figuring September interview if I'm lucky. October could be very possible too. Even after Noa2 I can't see how anyone would get an interview any sooner than 6 weeks later. I would be happy for that. But preparing myself for anything at this point. Wishing you luck man. Hope things will speed up in all aspects. My fiancé was able to talk to someone she knows recently (who filed for k1) soonest interview indicated at the call center was 6 weeks from the day they called. This was about 2 weeks ago. Hopefully its just the summer and holiday slow down. But who knows...

  13. Neetz that definitely doesn't sound great... hard to believe they are that busy! Maybe the staff is really on Holidays or sth ... It must be really frustrating... we will see how quickly I get my pack 3 hmmm

    It seems the embassies are pretty slow right now. I was hoping maybe to hear something by email (we're able to inquire about our case status). but with the time of the year. and some approaching holidays. I think it's going to take a little longer to get in the system. Kiev did confirm that they have the electronic copy in the system (whatever that is)...But hardcopy not yet...At least I know it was delivered. Now to make it too the consular section. Hopefully very very soon.

  14. When I saw your posts, I got really sad because just yesterday I was tracking the package and it was still in Ohio or something and I thought this sucks. I just checked it and its already being delievered to the Embassy today! Holy cow DHL ships quickly LOL I hope the rest goes quickly!!! :D

    I hope and pray they will finish January so all our friends can move on. Git-r-done VSC!

    Yup saw that mine is there too now. Signed for and delivered :thumbs:. So hopefully an interview date determined this week. I'm guessing the hard copy should have made it to the consular's section by Wednesday or Thursday..Hopefully can schedule a date on Thursday since Friday is a Ukrainian holiday. :thumbs:

  15. Congrats sara80!!!

    Our package from NVC is being delivered to the embassy this morning... hoping to receive pack 3 this week if we are lucky :)

    Found out that mine should get to embassy today too. Hopefully late afternoon Ukrainian time. And if I'm lucky should be able to find out an interview date this week. The petition is already there in the system electronically so I'm guessing there shouldn't really be any lag related to receiving the hard copy. Only that it's received and that should be enough. :thumbs:

  16. our case reached NVC after 12 days ( we are VSC though).. best time I got through was first thing after they open their lines which is 7 am EST I believe ( I called from Europe so for me it was 1 pm)

    Yup if you call first thing. you usually get right through. Or call late (10 or later)...During the day..ha. Forget about it. You can literally be on the line over an hour waiting for an operator.

  17. That's exactly what they told me... I called the day after NVC received it and was given the Case Number... Then when I called back again, I was told it was in administrative or additional processing... one or the other... don't remember now. But then a few days later, they told me it was sent to Moscow... So it appears they all go through at least this little "AP" before they are sent off.

    Now if Moscow could just get us in the system... As of yesterday, they said they did not have the file... and I want to pay and schedule the interview.

    Yup bro! I think we both had the exact same experience. And because we're all so visa savvy here at VJ we sometimes find out aspects of the process that others do not realize. I called this morning just to follow up from yesterday and they acted like that nothing is out of the ordinary and they expect it to leave NVC very soon. so I'll probably try to resist the urge to follow up until Monday and hopefully then some good news.

  18. hope you hear something good soon bro. You have been very patient. if it gets shipped friday, they will get it at the consulate by monday morning

    Me too bro. I'm concerned about it. It still seems out of the ordinary since it's "additional." There really doesn't seem to be a clear consensus about what it includes...after all this to be delayed again will be pretty devestating...really hope Im out of there by Friday...but now who knows...

  19. I so called that one! Haha. Good to hear! Like I said, some weird term that means they are scanning it in....just to freak you out. B/c you always have to be on the edge of the cliff and know that u r not in charge of this...even though it's your life, they get to decide. Remember that. lol

    Yes. I'm hoping the fact that I called so soon. (It was received yesterday and a case number assigned) that just the very act of packaging it and preparing for being sent to the consulate is considered additional processing...Really hope that is all it is. I'll call again Friday I think...And hope for some good news then. Still worried though. I just didn't want to hear those words at all....Anybody have any insight?

  20. and:

    "Not necessary. They told us our case was under additional processing too but our case just left the NVC yesterday . All K-1 cases go through additional processing. Most of the cases leave the NVC within 2 days to 30 days. There are some cases that stay in AP for up to 60 days but that is rare nowadays. Just keep calling once a day and ask."

    Hopefully, this is all true. Would hate to be struggling just to get out of NVC... :bonk:

  21. Okay. Reading the Pinned Thread in NVC gives me some relief..At least they said "ADDITIONAL"


    1. Additional Processing

    2. Administrative Processing

    It's my understanding that all recieved petitions go through #1:Additional Processing, which means it is being bundled scanned etc. in order to be sent to Embassy. After speaking to a CS Supervisor tonight, she confirmed this is the term for "we are getting it ready to send out to a con/emb." "It should be sent in about a week."

    According to another post, which I can't find now, #2:Administrative processing means they are reviewing the application/petition for some other reason. It is not being readied for sending to a con/emb. This is the "Oh #######" one."

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