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    Faith, Family, Reading, The Outdoors, Excercising, Sports to name a few! I have an adventurous spirit.... ~Live~Laugh~Love *Christina*

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  • Country
    Saudi Arabia
  • Our Story
    Our story....January 2011 was the beginning of the most beautiful friendship....our friendship, Faisal & Christina! I received an inbox message on my facebook page and from there our journey began. Faisal & I have a mutual facebook friend (shout out of thanks to Alex!!!) and Faisal seen me on that friends page.... apparently something about me caught his attention (Oh, blessed me!!!) At first I was a little uncertain because I am not one of those people that add just anyone to my Facebook, not saying anythings wrong with those that do, just my way. I received a friend request as well, that will by far always be the most treasured facebook friend request ever! However, before accepting the request, I did ask our mutual fb friend Alex what kind of guy Faisal was and he had a positive response and then I clicked the "confirm" button!!! Faisal & I started visiting on fb chat. We now have over 8,200 beautiful, fun & lovely fb chat messages! (And they continue on) After eight months of fb chatting, we decided to start Skyping. So grateful for technology! Our beautiful loving friendship turned into a deep beautiful romantic love...On October 4, 2011 we became an exclusive couple! Our love continues to grow stronger & deeper every minute of everyday. We are meeting for the first time in person in September of this year, words cannot express our excitement and joy about this next step in our journey....We know that we are to be husband & wife as God has brought us together & continues to do so! Faisal, my forever love, I truly madly deeply love you! I know that you feel the same for me and I am forever grateful & thankful that you so beautifully love me...I am honored and blessed to be your forever lady and soon, your wife!!! Thats our story "About Us" and our journey continues on with many more years to come..........

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