I am not the one to be on line to talking to anyone.Just one day my sister in law and i was having fun online. I got this Email.and i said ohh please. huh, But i find him to be attractive. my sister in- law say to reply back. I did and realized he was from Nigeria. i said oh no.. i realized just because 1 orange in the pile is rotten doesn't mean all of them are.but a day later due to time difference he replied back.. He asked for my number. he called and our conversation was super awesome... we talk for hours hours and hours. Basically we got cool and close and it turned to a relationship on 9/17/2009. we fell in love and planning our future together. Now we are a married couple for a 1yr and 3months. The hold of my process held me back due to the fact i wasn't a citizen it to a while to become a citizen. I love my husband He understands me where no one will... i love you baby...