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  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    National Benefits Center
  • Local Office
    Columbus OH
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  • Our Story
    met ohioan husband during grad school

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  1. Hi Had the interview this morning here in Columbus, Ohio. Easy and smooth. Approved. He said the notice would take 4-6 weeks. They do 2 ceremonies per week. I said: oh, that might be after the deadline for voting registration (Oct 7), He said, hopefully not that long. There is people registering right there, if it is past oct 7, you could ask if they will take your and all the other people's registrations extemporary. 🤞 it's less than that.
  2. I spent 3 days waiting impatiently for the letter, when I realized it is on the website in the "documents" tab, then I printed it. it's been a week and no sign of the mailed letter
  3. My parents are retired and in their mid 70's. They live in Mexico. My mom has dual citizenship french and mexican. My dad has french citizenship/ mexican permanent residency Their visa when they visit is through the french passports (it was easier to get the ESTA to come, than a tourist visa for mexicans.) 1. I assume when I do the I-130, I will list them as french, to be consistent with their ESTA & entries, is this a correct assumption in your opinion? 2. When parents are approved, they don't have a wait time, correct? - If so, how long do they have between approval and entering with intention of moving in? (like if they were not finished selling their house, and they needed more time... how does the timing works?) 3.. Do sponsor/beneficiary have to prove they have healthcare when they come in? or just that you have enough income? thanks!
  4. Notice for interview exactly 2 months after filing! Scheduled for in a little over a month in Columbus Ohio
  5. Hello I have read through the guides and posts, but still have many questions. I am figuring this out to prepare to send the I-130 for my parents as soon as I get my naturalization 1. Am I understanding correctly that parents have to be filed separate and have individual process and timelines, correct? 2. My parents (both in heir higher 70's, still together) have both mexican and french citizenship. They live in Mexico. Does that change anything in the timelines? (Mexicans vs french) 3. I see timelines going from 7 months to 70 months. I this so unpredictable? I dont know how their health will be in 5 years! 4. During the times it takes to process, especially if it takes years) can they travel here and stay for longer periods? (like 6 months, on the maximum of a visa stay) thanks any supplemental guidance is appreciated
  6. Hello, has nothing happened since a year ago?
  7. How are you accessing online information and estimated processing times when you filed online and have no NBC as processing center? I filed online a week ago (under 5year rule), and a NOA on the mail, and today got my biometrics reuse NOA. Neither of these have a online code. I feel that when I did the Adjustment of status 10 years ago, I had emails and SMS with updates, now filing online was easier, but respnse is only on paper letters thanks
  8. Hello I have been elegible since 2015 (under 3 years married). But just submitted this month using the 5 years as permanent resident rule. so far: 2024.05.17, Submitted N-400 online on a friday. cashed immediatly, NOA1 received early the following week At day 8 (today), I got the Biometrics notice saying no need to go in person, they will use the previous ones and proceed I guess, there is no service center assigned yet, it just says NBC (National Benefits Center) in that box. let's keep waiting... I think I didnt have to sent much as I applied as 5 year resident, but it wasnt that clear on what I had to submit, so I sent 3 years of joint tax returns, 2 different joint mortagage statements, and deed from our current house (from 10 years ago when we bought it), birth certificates of 2 kids (8 & 6). No photos.
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