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Everything posted by lilsweetie

  1. You can upload docs up to the interview and also bring it in person of course. We had an updated doc and brought it in person. They asked us to also upload it after the interview, should have done it before.
  2. Did you fill out one for each person you are sponsoring
  3. I highly recommend Sonder Maisonneuve on Mackay St. Only a short walk from the consulate and beautiful, clean, like an apartment honestly. With washer dryer and full kitchen and bedrooms.
  4. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PIty7kbPicJdVSkDofFR-xLgZGRU3-gP8iaUGTVoEUU/edit?usp=drivesdk Here is a document to track GC after entry with others. Check it out and add your info? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PIty7kbPicJdVSkDofFR-xLgZGRU3-gP8iaUGTVoEUU/edit?usp=drivesdk Here is a document to track GC after entry with others. Check it out and add your info?
  5. I wrote a letter to Montreal (one letter for each of them referencing the other's case #) and requested they they be interviewed together. I sent it in online through a form after DQ date before the interview was scheduled. We are from BC so it was very far to get to Montreal. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/visa-information-resources/ask-nvc.html
  6. Update - Montreal Consulate DQ date 7/23/24 Received interview letter 11/19/24 Interview scheduled for 1/28/25 Visa issued same day as appointment Visa mailed out 1/29/25 Arrival 1/31/25 by Canada Post Both parents had same interview date/time and approved together.
  7. Update! DQ Date Jul 23, 2024 IL Rec'd Nov 19, 2024 Interview Jan 29, 2025
  8. DQ date 7/23/24 Received interview letter 11/19/24 Interview scheduled for 1/29/25
  9. Would you mind updating when you get the interview letter? My parents were DQd 7/23 so I'm looking for timeline help too. Thanks!
  10. I used the form and got this reply ... I guess just cross fingers as it sounds like they can't commit to scheduling them together. To Whom it Concerns: The NVC processes immigrant visa petitions as they are received from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). While we do attempt to process and schedule related cases together, we cannot guarantee that this will happen. Each case processes differently, and some may take longer to process than others. Regards, Albert | Inquiry Management Department of State CA/VO/DO/NVC LDRM | Lockwood Hills | Contractor DOS - National Visa Center
  11. Hi thanks for responding. For step 3, how do I contact them - call, or email, or upload a letter requesting such into the "other" supporting documents that I am submitting?
  12. I am almost ready to submit the civil documents for my parents to NVC. They are 2 separate applications. What is the best way to request that they have their interviews on the same date or as close as possible? They have to travel all the way across the country for their interviews (BC to QC Canada) so it is quite a trip to be made. So far their applications have been submitted at the same time but one of them has been consistently taking longer for approval than the other. Ex i-130 took 1 month longer for my mom to be approved than my dad. I'm worried the same thing will happen here and one will get scheduled for an interview a month earlier than the other. Thanks for any advice!
  13. Did you manage to complete the DS-261? It is grayed out for me too when I log in.
  14. Updates? Did they both continue processing at different times? have you heard anything?
  15. Applied for both parents. Both dated 6/23/2022. One parent got approved 5/13/2023, the other one is still processing. Should I wait for both to be completed to do next steps, or continue each path separately?
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