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I Love Islam

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    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
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    Chicago Lockbox
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  • Our Story
    We fell in love in 2011, despite our differences, and once we did, something rare and beautiful was created between us. For me, love like this only happens once, and that's why every minute we spent together has been seared in my memory. I'll never forget a single moment of it.

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  1. Waiting.. Waiting.. Waiting.. Waiting for our NOA2 letter. Hoping May would be a great month for us..

    1. KimberlyAhmed


      The waiting is hard, but remember the love you two share and it makes the wait easier at times. I am praying for you that May is a great month and soon you will be back with each other.

    2. I Love Islam

      I Love Islam

      Thank you for your support KimberlyAhmed.. Yes, i definately have my days when i miss my husband although we do a lot of communicating.. it's not the same.. I'm keeping busy and taking it each day at a time.

    3. I Love Islam

      I Love Islam

      Thank you for your support KimberlyAhmed.. Yes, i definately have my days when i miss my husband although we do a lot of communicating.. it's not the same.. I'm keeping busy and taking it each day at a time.

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