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momo and inoo

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Status Updates posted by momo and inoo

  1. Its my birthday ... missing lots of love .....

    1. momo and inoo

      momo and inoo

      NOA2 please come to me as a birthday gift ...

  2. hey your NOA2 will just b around the corner...good luck!

  3. 137 days from NOA1 ... NOA2 please come soon ...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. momo and inoo

      momo and inoo

      yeah even i m getting in love wid mondays too hahaha... may b its ur good week fede and kendra i pray that u get the good news soon ... best of luck

    3. Fede&Kendra


      Thank you!! I hope we do too! I also hope you guys hear some good news too! :)

    4. momo and inoo
  4. I m an august filer ... when will i get my NOA2 ...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. momo and inoo

      momo and inoo

      yeah i hope soo...

      CSC is damn slow ... i hope they wake up soon!!!

      this wait is making me frustated day by day!

    3. Fede&Kendra


      Hey we are August filers too!! I get excited to see other August filers approved.....outs is comingggggggggggg!!!!!!!!! I can feel it!

    4. momo and inoo

      momo and inoo

      yeah i can feel it too... few days to go and we all will be together with our loved ones...:)

      GO CSC GO !!!

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