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About Guinevere

  • Birthday 07/19/1972

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    West Midlands, England.
  • Interests
    I interested in chainmaille, I make dreamcatchers as you can see in my website, I sell them too. I am interested in medieval and some fantasy, enjoy cooking, all crafts, country-side, music especially classical and I am a full time mom to two kids, Claire and Dominic. I do have an older daughter Fiona but she lives with her dad. I live in the USA with my new husband Scott and kids.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Adjustment of Status (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Nebraska Service Center
  • Our Story
    Well in March, my ex partner and I split up and I thought it was going to be tough living on my own. I was wrong. I was coping okay then and I am very happy now. But he kept hassling me and so on and Scott my american fiance sent me a PM message on a chainmaille board we're both members of. He said I needed a hug and this was in May/June and we becamse good friends. It got better towards July as we were falling in love, we have so much in common, his life when he was young was the same as mine and it was wonderful to hear this. We started sending each other beads and rings and gifts and lots of letters and photo's and then we both got webcams and saw each other and talked to each other every day as we still do. Things started getting better, our love for each other is getting stronger day by day and I went over to Michigan for the first time on a plane too and it was scary at first but was great after. I loved it where he lives and he came over to England and he thought it was great here. I want to live over there and be his wife and bring my children with me, so we're sorting things out now. I go over there in April and I can't wait cause I miss him so much and can't wait to be with him again.

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