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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Phoenix AZ
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Met 2008 when I was doing a Bachelor's in ny and he was in Arizona in the air force. Started dating August 2008 long distance, end of 2009 I moved in, end of 2010 proposed, gor pregnant, may 2011 married in the US,July 2011 our daughter was born. Left country before AOS due to mother's illness and baby needing second opinion on Heath issues since born. Daughter not doing good in new country, always sick, losing weight due to not eating because reflux in out of control. Needs surgery on left eye due to constant infection. No health insurance in Brazil. Need to get back to US ASAP, husband works full time and cannot take care of her alone.

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  1. Hello, we have a group on facebook... Please join us. My page is: Vivian Pim Wise.

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