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About ShayAllday

  • Birthday 11/27/1961

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Oakwood Georgia
  • Interests
    Getting my hunny home.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Local Office
  • Country
  • Our Story
    I met Alvaro when he came into the place I work to find a car for his friend. He sent his friend back in to ask for my number I told him no becasue I thought it was for his friend not him. He worked up enough nerve to come ask me on his own but as he reach my desk he paused and didnt speak. I quickly blurted out you wanna piece of my gum? And then the words starting pouring from his mouth and he and I havent stoped since. He is my heart and I wouldent change that day for anything in the world. He had been away from home for over 10 years and knew he only way to make things right would be to return to his country and apply in the legale way to return. I have gone to visit him and it broke my heart to see how life there for him and his family are so hard. But what made me fall deeper in love with him is the fact he never complains and he allways comes with a postive word on every negative thing that he has to deal with. Wish us luck. With gods help we can be together and still go back to see his family is well taken care of.

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  1. Alvaro has the meeting Monday Jan 30th wish us luck . WIN THAT VISA!!!

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