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    Renewable energy, basketball, technology, pets and animals, travel, sports, hiking, camping.

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  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  • Our Story
    We met in Thailand in 2008 when we went to the full moon party with our friends. We fell in love from the first day and have been together since.

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  1. The truth about CSC 16th June processing data is they have been approving about hundreds of K1 but did not send out NOA2 yet. This month we will have a LANDSLIDE NOA2s from CSC! BOOM!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gambialove


      If they would only get to the cr-1...that would be awesome!!!

    3. VisaJourney2011


      How do you know for certain? also what about CR1, K3...?

      Looks like you just filed for K1 just two weeks ago, are you expecting your NOA2 to arrive this month? this soon?

    4. GandK


      No I don't expect m NOA2 in 4-5 months but I expect NOA2 for a lot of other people. The faster CSC moves, the faster my NOA2 will come too. I have been digging the statistics of CSC timeline in the last couple of years, it seems to speed up when they are getting behind timeline 5-6 months on an average. Maybe, because they put more manning on the job to clear backlogged cases but it also consequently creates momentum after the backlogged cases are cleared.

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