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Captain Ewok

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    Captain Ewok got a reaction from AndiB for a status update, Your background is awesome! Thinking 8-bit goodness!   
    Your background is awesome!  Thinking 8-bit goodness!
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    Captain Ewok got a reaction from WaterLeaf for a status update, Your background is awesome! Thinking 8-bit goodness!   
    Your background is awesome!  Thinking 8-bit goodness!
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    Captain Ewok got a reaction from millefleur for a status update, Your background is awesome! Thinking 8-bit goodness!   
    Your background is awesome!  Thinking 8-bit goodness!
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    Captain Ewok reacted to U&N for a status update, My Love was granted his Visa Today! He said it took less than 5 minutes to complete.   
    My Love was granted his Visa Today! 
    He said it took less than 5 minutes to complete. 
    Anyone who brought phones or purses or opened their envelopes were turned down. (Wow people, details are CRUCIAL).
    Prior to interview, I googled these questions, and funny enough they asked about 1/3 of them from this list! 
    Posting it here so it can help anyone else: 
    70 Fiance Visa Interview Questions
    Here are 70 sample fiance visa interview questions, which are examples of the kinds of questions you may be asked during the interview. Usually, the alien beneficiary would expect to answer between five and ten questions.
    1. What is your fiance’s name?
    2. What are your fiance’s hobbies & interests?
    3. What make/model/color is your fiance’s car?
    4. What are your hobbies and interests?
    5. What does your fiance do for a living?
    6. What is your fiance’s salary?
    7. What do you do for a living?
    8. Was your fiance married previously?
    9. Tell me about your fiance’s children.
    10. What are your fiance’s parent’s names?
    11. Will there be a problem with the children from his other relationship?
    12. Did you know that your fiance was divorced?
    13. Where do you plan to live in the United States?
    14. When and how did you meet your fiance?
    15. How long have you been corresponding with your fiance?
    16. Do you have any wedding plans?
    17. How long has your fiance lived at their current address?
    18. What is your fiance’s religious background?
    19. What is  your religious background?
    20. Does your fiance speak and understand your language?
    21. Do you speak and understand your fiance’s language?
    22. How much did your fiance spend on their last trip to see you?
    23. Has your fiance ever been convicted of a crime?
    24. How do you communicate with your fiance?
    25. Why do you want to come to the United States?
    26. Where and how did you meet your fiance?
    27. What is your fiance’s full name?
    28. How do you spell your fiance’s last name?
    29. How long has your fiance been in the USA?
    30. Are you a terrorist?
    31. What are your other names?
    32. Tell me about your wedding.
    33. Did you have an engagement party/Who was there?
    34. Do you have honeymoon plans?
    35. How many days a week does your fiance work?
    36. Have you ever been to America?
    37. What is your fiance’s ex-spouse’s name?
    38. When do you plan on entering the USA?
    39. Does your fiance have any siblings/What are their names?
    40. What can you tell me about the state your fiance lives in?
    41. When do you plan on leaving after entering the US?
    42. Do you and your fiance have plans to have children in the future?
    43. Have you met your fiance’s parents?
    44. Have you ever been denied a visa to any country?
    45. What is your fiance’s phone number/email address?
    46. How often/how do you communicate with your fiance?
    47. How old is your fiance?
    48. How many times have you been married?
    49. How old are your fiance’s children?
    50. What kinds of things do you enjoy doing together?
    51. What was the last gift your fiance got you?
    52. How does your family feel about the engagement?
    53. How does your fiance’s family feel about the engagement?
    54. What are your favorite traits about your fiance?
    55. Why did you decide to marry in the USA rather than in your country?
    56. Who proposed, you or your fiance?
    57. Describe the proposal/When was it?
    58. What do you and your fiance have in common?
    59. What is your fiance’s favorite movie/musical artist/food?
    60. How many times have you met in person?
    61. How much time have you spent together in person?
    62. How do you picture your life in 5 years?
    63. Does your fiance have any pets/What are their names?
    64. Do you know any of your fiance’s friends?
    65. How many people do you expect at the wedding?
    66. Where and when was your fiance born?
    67. How long did you date before getting engaged?
    68. Do you have any relatives in the USA?
    69. Did your fiance go to college/Where?
    70. What color are your fiance’s eyes?
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