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Sergio AD

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Posts posted by Sergio AD

  1. Isn't this forum for those US citizens who wish to bring their fiance to the US to marry? Why am i being "Categorized" as an "international" ??? I am a US Citizen in the state of Connecticut (CT).

    Federal Law supersedes State Law - then I need to consult whether or not Federal Law allows me to marry an underage girl WITH the parents consent (Because I can and WILL have this)?

    CT State Law - I need Guardian Consent.

    So now Federal Law?

  2. Her family loves me as I love them. Me and her mother are very close...

    And all this sex crime is really confusing me... Even with all the proof that I have (including her mother's letter, her own letter, her grandmother's letter, her uncle's letter, etc etc, pictures, airline tickets, cell phone logs, etc)... they will still think of me to "traffic" her for sex? Where's the logic in that...

  3. Ok, so I have been reading this forum for the past 4 hours, and still can't seem to find the answer to my question(s).

    I am Peruvian-born, US naturalized (I am a US Citizen) - have been since back in the Summer of '09. I came to the US in 1999.

    I am 22 years old, and will be 23 in July.

    My girlfriend is 17, and will be 18 in May.

    We started a relationship on June 23, 2009. It's been 2.5 years that we have been together (in a relationship) and we are so very much in love... I love her so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with her... I am a college student here in Ct, USA and went to Peru on May 2009 until January 2010 (took a semester off), and I only stayed that long because of her; we spent 8 months together, and I had to get back to the states to continue my studies. We kept constant communication, everything was well... I missed and loved her so much that only a month and a half later I went back for just 1 week on spring break so I can be with her... at least 1 week. After that there's been constant travel, I went back to Peru for the summer of 2010, then for a month for the holidays of 2010/2011, and finally for the summer of 2011.

    I think that's enough proof to show that we are together (my passport pages are almost full...) Besides that, I have family in Peru, and I stay in my Grandmother's house for the time I am there, and she lives a street parallel to mine so we spend time together non-stop. I know she is the one for me... it's that empty space that lives in you and devours you until you find that special someone... and that person is her!! We want to get married. I can stay in Peru if I want, but I prefer it here since we have more benefits -- including my current job as CCO and Marketing Officer at a local business.

    So I guess my question is: how does it work? Can I file now, and will she be able to be interviewed if she is 17? Or should I wait a couple months before her birthday (say January), so that she gets the interview on/after she turns 18?

    Another question is passports... I have both my Peruvian and US Passports (so dual citizenships -- although this is not legal??), but for the past 2 years I have used my US passport for all entries. Which should I provide as proof? It seems obvious that the US Passport, but I just want to make sure.

    Another thing, I keep reading that when in the interview, you pay $350 -- is this in addition to the $370 filing fee for USCIS? And the medical costs are about $150 excluding vaccinations? What vaccinations are needed -- will you need to get all of them, or just the ones you don't have and the US requires?

    The Fiance Letter of Intent - the packet from your Guides says they must be original, does this mean she needs to send me the letter to my US address? Or can it be scanned, and e-mailed?

    I may have more questions, but it's 3AM so I will post them up as I find them, or as you provide me with answers.

    I really appreciate your time for reading this. Hopefully you can find it in your heart to give me some of the answers I seek.

    I may accept the fact that she will have to be 18 to even start the process, but I want her with me ASAP.

    Thank you,

    Sergio AD

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