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Status Updates posted by KTandTommy

  1. Hey there! Welcome to the boards - maybe we'll meet in Montreal at interview time! One thing that I did is request my long form birth certificate, it's supposed to take 15 days to get here, so might as well get it in advance. Check out: http://montreal.usconsulate.gov/visas/visas/fianc-k-1-visas/steps.html There's one question on the DS-230 form that asks you to list all ...

  2. Thanks so much... I hope so too :) I'm finding it tough to smile today...

  3. 6 months :( This is becoming unbearable.

    1. bsd058


      Hang in there, KTandTommy. It will all be worth it!!

    2. KTandTommy


      Thanks... Reunion will be so sweet... someday... :)

  4. Hiya! Nice to meet you... good luck with the wait... hopefully this is our week :)

  5. Oh that's awesome :) I think we're planning on having Tom come up, but it'll really depend on timing. He's coming up in September for a Jack and Jill party that my mom/MOH are throwing for us, so it'll depend on how close it is to that date.

  6. Unless I end up with the dreaded RFE after all this waiting too... fingers crossed for no! LOL. But if we are in Montreal at the same time, I'd love to meet up with you! :) Is your fiance coming up for the interview?

  7. Congrats on your NOA2! :)

  8. I am so ridiculously happy for you :) Congrats on the NOA2!

  9. Same here... just waiting. It's a game in patience. LOL. Tom is coming up to Canada to visit me in September, but we're actually thinking that he'll have to come back in October for our interview. Our consulate is a bit slow at scheduling sometimes LOL. Fingers crossed for a July or early August approval!

  10. How are you guys holding up?

  11. Congratulations on your NOA2! :)

  12. I guess I couldn't taste it... Still waiting for that illusive NOA2...

  13. It's so close, I can almost taste it.... c'mon NOA2! I want you!!

  14. Fingers crossed for both of us that it's coming soon! Good luck, Bryan & Isabel! :)

  15. Got a moment to spare a vote for this awesome picture of my mom in a Mother's Day contest? http://bit.ly/KBohHC

  16. Oh for sure! That would be awesome... NYC is my favourite city in the world! Not sure if we'll be able to swing it though. Wishing you a speedy approval as well!

  17. Hi Aurelya!

    Not too bad... waiting it out, getting bored, but trudging through! You? :)

  18. Wishing Ontario and Florida were not so geographically far apart!

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