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Status Updates posted by Narot23

  1. The only reason we got NOA2 so fast was luck. I am not a military member, nor did we have any special circumstances. Our paperwork was organized and concise, and we had a healthy bit of luck :-)

  2. Today is the big interview day... Big love & (crossed fingers) for her :D

  3. So thankful. Only 9 more days and I'm on my way to see my dear :-D

  4. NOA2 ... OMG... So happy right now :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. didopage
    3. realizment


      That's great btw are you also goat herder?

    4. Narot23


      Yeah that's us too. I tried to get them to merge or remove one of our timelines but no one responded!

  5. 64 days since NOA1... getting ready for our winter visit. Thankful we can be together during the wait!

  6. 25 days until my visit. Missing her so much :D Have to be strong! I know we're going to be so happy.

  7. Cool! We're right there with ya! (goatherder is us too. LOL, my mistake).

  8. 48 days since NOA1, 33 days till I go visit my sweety in Japan :)

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