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Posts posted by Florian

  1. Hi,

    I want to come back to the first question:

    The time I don't have the EAD could be interesting to do an unpaid internship (that could be a good first experience in the US), is it possible to do an (unpaid) internship with the k1 visa (before to receive the EAD) ?

    I read in an other forum that "without EAD they cannot do any work in which a US citizen can be paid for"...

    An unpaid internship, is it a work?

    A lot of organization have some volunteerism program, could it be fine like this?

    Thank you for your answers.

  2. - So on my I-864 I will state that I am unemployed and my annual income will be zero (I don't count my student loan or financial aid, do I?)

    Yes, and in the cover letter say that you are a student.

    - One my assets part, I have saving account with my spouse, can I list it out?

    It's can be better, even when you don't arrive to the limit.

    - My dad and my mom file annual income tax together but my mom is housewife, so does she need to file I-864A?

    She doesn't need... it will be only if she help him to be on the sponsorship income level, he do it alone.



  3. You complete one for you and check the case A.

    Your Dad is the joint-sponsor. He complete an other one and check the case D.

    Box D would be correct if only his income is required to meet the sponsorship income level.

    The case D is for the joint sponsor, his income need to be superior of the sponsorship income level for his household + the immigrant.

    The income are use to meet the sponsorship income level only when it's someone of the same household than the sponsor, and in this case this person complete the I-864A.

  4. Hi,

    I have to finish the Adjustment of Status, for a K1 Visa, is it necessary to send a G325A Form? We sent some with the I129f...

    If necessary, is it only for the immigrant?

    Before my AoS, I applied for the EAD (I know that it wasn't useful) that I received, so I did the biometrics before. Do I have to pay the fees for the biometrics in the I-485?

    Thank you for your experiences...


  5. If by temporary EAD you are talking a bout a stamp you got on entry to the USA. You cant use this to work, its not for K-1 visas anymore.

    No I applied to an EAD card (pay for it) in the purpose to try to have a job and some incomes to allow my wife to be my sponsor.

    T received this card the last Thursday. In the papers with the card it's writing: "if you are a conditional resident, you should apply to remove the conditions 90 days before your card expires." ahhh I'm so confused, the French... I understood "you should apply to remove the 90 days conditions before your card expires" thinking it was the "90 days conditions" of the K1 visa... and so, it could be logical, the "90 days condition" could be remove when I will receive the receipt notice of the AOS... seems natural...

    Apparently no, so I have this authorization to work 2 weeks, but it will not help me for the affidavit, I have to find an other co-sponsor, and if I'm illegal in the States for 1 or 2 months (can't more, I will have to feed my family) it will not affect the AOS...

    We asked to her family and the few friends that she have, where to search after this??


    PS: Thank you for all your answers

  6. Sorry but once your EAD expires you can no longer work. So even if you DID find a job you would have to quit on the 26th October.

    You can leave if you want but you will need to apply for another visa and STILL have the same issue.

    You would be better of staying and trying to find another sponsor, giving your wife more time to find a job, or hoping your MIL finds another job.

    When I apply for the AOS it will not remove the EAD time limit? why can we apply if we can't use it???

    Staying, but my actual visa will not be valid... and after when I apply, will they like it?

  7. Hello everybody,

    I arrived from France with a K1 visa on July the 28th, we are married since September 10... it was a very good day :-)

    Our problem is that our co-sponsor, her Mum, lost her job 2 weeks before I arrived...

    My wife search some administrative job, she was a mum for 7 years before that... it's difficult, even to find an half-time.

    Her incomes are really lower than the 125% of the poverty guideline.

    So I had the advantage to finish my job with a French company only September the 15th (the web is well for this), at least I had some incomes to live.

    No co-sponsor, I applied directly for an Employment Authorization... went for my biometrics on September 8, and received it a week ago, valid from the 09/30/11 to the 10/26/11... So I have to find a permanent job in less than 2 weeks... and with a temporary EAD (that could seems very complicated for an employer)... or to find an other co-sponsor, is there a market for this???

    If I can't, is it better to apply for the AOS, even if I know that it will be rejected?

    Or is it better to go back to France and to apply for it when we have a co-sponsor? is it possible or will I have to apply to a K3 visa?

    Or can I stay a little in the States (a month) the time to find a co-sponsor and apply a little late for the AOS (the problem with this is that I can't work)...

    Thank you for your advices

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