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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Aneta and I met while I was working in Poland. We originally met in August 2004 but didn't start dating until November. In April I asked her to marry me! She said "yes", what a great day! We attempted to get a travel visa for her to come visit the US this summer , but they shot it down. What we found out was that we should have applied for the K-1 visa. I'm back in the states now and I should be sending the I-129F and supporting document package this week. The journey begins...Dave

    July 2005 - I received a notice stating that I hadn't sent a copy of my divorce decree with my original package!!!! Well, being anal about copies of paperwork after 12 years in the military, I had scanned all the original package into my computer for just this reason. I reviewed the package and found that I DID send a copy of my divorce decree, but that they had somehow misplaced it!!!! Someone had indicated to me that, When you put your package together be sure to get 2 or 3 ORIGINAL , CERTIFIED copies of your birth certificate, divorce decree...etc, etc..for this very reason. I could have tried to argue with them, this would have been unprofitable on my part. So, having the extra copies it's far easier to just send another copy by registered mail.

    August 1st - I sent a copy of my divorce decree. Service center received it on the 3rd of August.

    August 13th - Everything appears to be at a standstill since August 1st???? I'm unable to find any new information or get any detailed info on our status.

    1st week of September, went to Poland to see "moja niuniu", that's Polish for "my sweety". We had a great time, one week together, it was great, memorable.

    Sept 21 - Still unable to find out status. Aneta & I feel like we are in limbo!!! Waiting is the worst part.

    Sept. 30 - Received NOA-2, this was nice because Aneta was able to give me the good news.

    Oct. 25 - Aneta gets her interview date (Nov 18) at Warsaw Embassy, FINALLY!!

    Nov. 18th - Interview went well:-) The Warsaw representative was much nicer than the first time back in April. No problems, no trick questions.

    Dec. 1st - I flew to Warsaw to meet with my fiancee, help her finish packing and return to the U.S.

    Dec. 7th - Attempted to leave Warsaw via KLM airlines!!! They said we had overweight luggage, but they wouldn't let me pay for the difference in weight. REMEMBER !!! All airlines have different policies concerning baggage, check with them ahead of time. I had to go buy another suitcase, we then missed our flight and had to reschedule for the following day. The adventure never ends!!

    Dec. 8th - FINALLY, we leave for Amsterdam, then to Boston. We were through customs in just a couple of minutes. Very painless.

    Dec. 21 - I hear wedding bells today. We had a small wedding to get the leagal part out of the way because I travel around the country for work. I thought it would be easier if Aneta's last name matched mine as my wife. We'll have a bigger wedding/reception in the early summer.

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