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Posts posted by hy2934

  1. Hi flora01,

    Interesting question. I have read lots of posts on numerous forums (including other websites than VJ) where people did get RFE after change of address. However, there are also people who didnt get RFE. So, it looks like a wash.. with no definitive answer.

    As for me, I filed change of address in Feb (in the middle of my ROC) and I DID get an RFE within two weeks after that. I also know couple other guys active on this ROC forum that got RFE within couple of weeks. So, I'd say that you should not rule out getting an RFE if/when you decide to file for change of address.

    Good Luck!

  2. All,

    Today, I received the notification that my card has been ordered for production. Phew! What a relief. Thanks everyone for the support, and I wish good luck to all still waiting for their petition approval.

    Just a little background for those who are still waiting. I received an RFE two weeks after I changed my address (a very generic RFE which I am certain was triggered by address change since I had submitted every thing it was asking). Anyway, I mailed in my RFE response around March 10th-ish, and never heard back from USCIS. I logged a service request on March 29th, and I believe that was the key. At the same time, I also e-mailed CSC asking if they received my RFE response (I wanted to be double sure because I have been out of country from past two months and my wife turned in the RFE packet). I got a reply from CSC via e-mail last week that their records only show that RFE was sent, nothing more. But today, I got the approval, and minutes later, response to my service request said the same thing.

    So I guess if the case crosses 6 months mark, might be worth putting in SR and see if it helps.

    Good Luck to y'all!


    • Scheduled Delivery Day: Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 3:00 pm
    • Signed for By: E GALJNDO // LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92607 // 11:00 am

    I forgot to add that I sent my RFE package on March 10th. Looks like my file has slipped through the cracks at their office. I actually called USCIS and talked to tier 2 agent, and asked him if USCIS had sent me an RFE as I am out of state for a while (I was curious to see if their records are right or not), and he said "No, we havent mailed you anything yet, and if we do, our records will show that"... bunch of bull #######!

    Anyway, just more waiting i guess

  4. I got a letter today in the mail and it said CASE TYPE CRI89 APPROVED REMOVAL OF CONDITIONS NOTICE TYPE TRANSFER NOTICE???? What is this exactly??? Thank you guys.

    It means that the case was transferred to the other service center (to CSC if you filed at VSC or vice versa).. or there is a very remote chance that it was transferred to the local office (it all is stated in the letter if you read down carefully)

  5. "unless we become US Citizens we will never be considered an equal member of society from a status perspective." Don't you think something is wrong with that statement in the 21st century. On a moral perspective the "House" actually belongs to the native Indians which was stolen forcefully. If you look at it at different level, we are just trying to get status from thiefs "legally". By the way, the whole process could be treated as a DMV kinda settings to make things easier and instant approvals. Six month for one application totally make no-sense however you look at it.

    this line of argument regarding americans and native americans is not applicable here, and it just bemuses me time and again how people use that as argument/defense on every other goddamn topic. What's even funnier is that people who criticize american govt/policies are the first in line with the PR applications (not aiming at you directly).

    Plus, you must be kidding when you say this whole process could be treated in a DMV setting. If you imply, it should take a day, quick in and out.. then god may save this country from bad elements of society (read: terrorists). Having said that, I agree it shouldn't be taking six months either. I'd be just fine with something on the scale of 2-3 months especially for ROC applications.

  6. All,

    As some of you might have seen from my other posts that I received an RFE on Feb 18th by mail. I will be mailing the response packet tomorrow. Now, I decided to call USCIS and "check" if they have the info on this RFE (I plan to be away for 6 weeks on business trip, and needed that I can call and ask if they have sent any interview letter while I am away).

    So, I talked to a tier 2 officer today, and told him that I am currently out of my state and want to know if USCIS has sent any RFE for my case. Gave him both I-751 and CRI89 receipt numbers. He checked in his system for a minute, and told me they havent sent anything. I asked him if there is any chance their system may not be updated, but he told me everything should show up in the system if there is any activity.

    So, anyway, that has gotten me worried. Obviously their system is not updated, and if they do send me an interview letter, how on earth can I check on that while I am away on business trip? And whats the typical timeframe they provide for interview? Like RFE usually gives you anywhere from 50-90 or more days...

    any ideas?

  7. Hi Guys,

    So I am about to send the RFE packet, and I just wanted to get your thoughts on this. Below is my cover letter that I plan to include. Can you please go through it and let me know if I need to make any changes


    March 6th, 2014

    Re: Response to Request for Evidence – I-751
    Alien #: xx-xx-xx

    RFE receipt #: xxxxxx

    Petitioner Name: xxxxx

    To whomever it may concern:

    Please find the requested evidence enclosed with this letter for my I-751 application (I-751 receipt # xxxxx , and CRI89 # xxxxxx).

    The evidence is arranged in three broad categories and documents are arranged in the order shown below.

    Joint Residence:

    • Joint lease document signed 06/2010 at our first address
    • Joint lease renewal document (05/2011) at our first address
    • Safety deposit deduction letter addressed to both of us
    • Original money order receipts showing both names
    • Joint lease document (01/2012) at our second address
    • Copies of pet agreement, rental history request, buyer agreement showing both names
    • Lease termination letter (2013) showing both names and signed by both of us
    • Security deposit letter from the property manager addressed to both of us
    • Joint lease application (2013) showing same residence
    • Copies of pet agreement, tenant agreement showing both names
    • Joint lease document (2013) signed by both of us and showing both names
    • Letters from property management company addressed to both of us (with envelope)
    • Greeting cards received from different family members from 2011 - 2013:
    • Two pieces of mails addressed to both of us showing same residence
    • Copies of different utility bills (cable/trash/phone/electric/water/gas etc.) over the last two years. The companies could only add one person as account holder. However, each of us has some bills under our name showing same residence.
    • Copies of individual medical bills showing the same residence
    • Copies of current and past driver licenses showing same residence

    Joint Finances:

    • Copy from our bank showing our joint bank account and the date it was opened.
    • Official account summary received from our bank (2011 and 2014)
    • Joint tax returns (official transcripts from IRS) from 2011-2014
    • Copy of W2s
    • Copy of a joint loan application field in 12/2011
    • Copy of joint bank account statements showing both names and monthly transactions from 2011-2014
    • Copies of bank deposit slips showing both names
    • Mails received from our bank addressed to both of us

    Joint Liability:

    • Letter from our insurer verifying joint auto and renter insurance
    • Joint auto insurance cards from 2012-2014
    • Joint auto and renters insurance statements (2012-2014)
    • Joint life insurance documents for both of us showing each other as beneficiary
    • Copies of joint health insurance cards (showing both names)
    • Health insurance Claims listing summary showing both names at some point or the other
    • Copies of current and past joint dental/prescription insurance showing both names

  8. I agree, sometimes getting an interview is the best option. My opinion is always give them your current residence address, even if you change it more than one time while a case is pending. Change your address once you have physically moved to that address, maybe even a day after you've moved. Also, I believe that at an infopass appointment they can print notices for you that you didn't receive at your current address.

    Yeah, I guess so. So have you received your gc yet? and did you say you received RFE during I751 or I-485 AOS?

  9. It is virtually a fact that applicants get at least an RFE and/or Interview if a change of address is filed the while case is pending. That was my experience, and also from people I've asked. Just send whatever you can, and hopefully you won't get another RFE. You should get an approval without interview (although an approval with an interview is not bad either except for the waste of time for both spouses).

    Thanks sunnyCalifornian. I would've been fine with an interview but what I am dreading is that if they send us interview notice, they would probably send it at our old address in their system (like they did with RFE). As I mentioned I am lucky that I extended my lease till March end and I received RFE. But I can't afford to pay for two different leases any more than that

  10. HI hy2934,

    Your evidences look pretty much covered but it is just they might've sent you an RFE due to change of address. Looking at your case, It looks like USCIS is expecting a little more evidence pointing to your new address. Were your previous evidences having old address or new address?

    You certainly can consider any evidence established prior to recieving RFE.

    You can ask your parents to write an affidavit attesting your relation ( Noratized ).

    Any bank statements from last submitted to the latest date.

    You can file your taxes immediately and submit those transcripts

    All relevant statements pointing to your new address. ( bank, Credit card, Utility).

    if you have old address on your DL's, change it to new one and show that as a new evidence too.

    I hope this should help you

    Thank you,

    Thanks immig1234 for replying. Well, its not really as straight forward for me. Back in first week of Feb, I realized that my lease was up on 20th Feb, and I had forgotten to look for the new place (I was expecting to move to a different office with same company). So, to avoid any issues with USCIS mail, I put the change of address to my in-law's house. However, a week later my landlord agreed to extend my lease on a month-to-month basis and I so I have been maintaining my existing lease (albeit on a monthly basis as mentioned above). Therefore, I haven't had to do any change of address on any official docs to my in-laws address (which is now the new mailing address for USCIS).

    In this case, what should I do?

  11. Hi all,

    I just received an RFE in the mail couple of days ago. :( It was dated Feb 18th 2014. Interesting thing is that I truly believe it was somehow triggered by change of address I put in on Feb 6th 2014 (others in the past have also noted the same). Also it is very generic, usually people receive some sort of "personalized" RFE in the sense that it mentions what was submitted and what they need, but in my case, it is as generic as anything. However, whatever they request, I already submitted with my original packet including. Here is what I had sent:

    Joint lease from last three years
    Joint tax transcript (ordered from IRS website) from last two years
    Our health insurance cards showing both names
    Account snapshot of our Aetna website showing both of us using this insurance during our doc visits
    Joint bank account transaction pages covering last two years
    Letter from our bank stating when was my wife added to my account and that we have debit cards associated with that account
    Copy of a joint loan application we signed back in late 2011
    Joint auto insurance and renter insurance
    Copy of our DLs showing same address
    Some utility bills showing individual names but same address
    Affidavits from friends/family
    Pics and holiday cards addressed to both of us
    Copies of the doc visit forms showing spouse as emergency contact


    Now, other than the docs mentioned above, I have the following that I didn't send

    Life insurance showing spouse as beneficiary (but we just got it a month ago; before RFE date though... should I even send it? or will it raise red flag?)
    Call/text log showing awful lot of texts/calls between me and my wife
    e-mail/chat logs (not sure how much weight it carries)
    some more pics when my parents visited us back in October
    some hospital bills to us individually but same address? same goes with pet clinic bills showing her name but same address?

    We haven't filed the taxes yet for this year, I dont have 401K, we dont have a child, we dont have a mortgage, the cars are under my name only as her credit score was pretty bad

    Any help is appreciated. Please advise fellow filers! :(

  12. Hi all,

    I just received an RFE in the mail couple of days ago. :( It was dated Feb 18th 2014. Interesting thing is that I truly believe it was somehow triggered by change of address I put in on Feb 6th 2014 (others in the past have also noted the same). Also it is very generic, usually people receive some sort of "personalized" RFE in the sense that it mentions what was submitted and what they need, but in my case, it is as generic as anything. However, whatever they request, I already submitted with my original packet including. Here is what I had sent:

    Joint lease from last three years

    Joint tax transcript (ordered from IRS website) from last two years

    Our health insurance cards showing both names

    Account snapshot of our Aetna website showing both of us using this insurance during our doc visits

    Joint bank account transaction pages covering last two years

    Letter from our bank stating when was my wife added to my account and that we have debit cards associated with that account

    Copy of a joint loan application we signed back in late 2011

    Joint auto insurance and renter insurance

    Copy of our DLs showing same address

    Some utility bills showing individual names but same address

    Affidavits from friends/family

    Pics and holiday cards addressed to both of us

    Copies of the doc visit forms showing spouse as emergency contact

    Now, other than the docs mentioned above, I have the following that I didn't send

    Life insurance showing spouse as beneficiary (but we just got it a month ago; before RFE date though... should I even send it? or will it raise red flag?)

    Call/text log showing awful lot of texts/calls between me and my wife

    e-mail/chat logs (not sure how much weight it carries)

    some more pics when my parents visited us back in October

    some hospital bills to us individually but same address? same goes with pet clinic bills showing her name but same address?


    We haven't filed the taxes yet for this year, I dont have 401K, we dont have a child, we dont have a mortgage, the cars are under my name only as her credit score was pretty bad

    Any help is appreciated. I am attaching the RFE page with this post. Please take a look and advice fellow filers! :(


  13. Guys,

    couple of weeks ago I had called USCIS 3-4 times to make sure my address was correctly updated and everything (I posted my experience in this thread too).. and had also made Infopass appt just to be on safe side..and I did get the confirmation mail at my new address. However, 4 days ago, I also got another mail from CSC at my new address stating that I had put in a request regarding my case (which I never did)... anyhow their response was that they are experiencing unusually slow processing times and that they are slower than the time reflected on USCIS website, and they will respond to me within 45 days... I know nothing to read into it (or maybe is there?), but i was just surprised because i never asked them why my case hasnt been adjudicated.. all i did was put in a service request for address change... lol

  14. This is my status below. I have noticed alot of applicants have been approved and even received their 10yr GC.

    So I got worried and call the California Service Center in dowtown LA. The lady told me they are currently processing applicants who turn theirs in on JULY, 02, 2013.

    So for the people who are on the same waiting boat as I am, keep your fingers crossed and hopefully get through this in no time.

    VJName............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date.....Biometrics......Approved...


    Thanks for the info. But I don't think it is as straight forward as the lady told you. Because I have seen lots of August, September and even handful of October filers getting approved (including the ones that were transferred from VSC).

    Anyway, it would be great if you could share the phone number and how did you manage to talk to someone helpful. Thanks

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