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Posts posted by scredceasar

  1. I went for my interview on the 8th of Dec, I was approved by the Grace Of God my original documents were returned to me but, my police certificate was not returned to me. is this normal? will i need it at the port of entry? secondly there was a white paper at the back of the sealed envelop they gave to me at the vf global office when i went for collection. The paper contains my data but there is something there that confuses me they included mothers name and father name on it and they wrote my spouse mother's name and father's name on it. i do not understand plz someone help me explain this............

  2. Take heart regarding the delay; are you are presently in Nigeria ? If you are, then you need to go to Nigerian Police Force; Alagbon Close Victoria Island Lagos. You need copy of your passport and proof of address such as PHCN (NEPA bills) if you have any. If you are not in Nigeria, you need to send a relative there to get it on your behalf.

    That was how I got mine.( Be prepared to pay about N5K -N7K if you want to get it quick.)

    Wish you the best.

    @ yomifash, i did the finger print in force headquarter abuja,but this morning i noticed that the stamp says lagos. maybe they took it to lagos that was why it took almost two weeks to be ready. and also they letter did not asked me to submit another police certificate rather it says,please refer to the following instruction below on police certificate. am grateful for your reply tnx.

  3. Hello all plz i need help urgently. i submitted a police report to nvc and my form DS230. and this is the letter i got from them below,

    I do not really understand what they are talking about here because i have lived in only two address from the time i was born till now, and i lived for more than six months in those places so what do i do?

    - IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION PART 1:_______________________

    Please submit a completed copy of form Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration -

    Biographic Data (DS-230/DS-260) for this applicant. In reviewing the form that you submitted, we note

    that the section pertaining to applicant residences from the age of 16 is either blank or incomplete. The

    applicant must list all places lived for at least six months since reaching the age of 16. There must not be

    any gaps greater than six months. You will need to complete and submit a new form with the changes.

    Your visa application cannot be processed until this form is complete.

    A gap exists in your residence history of more than six months. When completing the information in

    this section, please refer to the following instructions below on Police Certificate(s):

    ? Police certificates are required for each visa applicant aged 16 years or older, based on where each

    applicant lives or has lived previously.

    ? Police certificates are also required from all other countries where the applicant has resided more

    than 12 months. Present and former residents of the United States should NOT obtain any police

    certificates covering their residence in the U.S.

    ? Generally, applications for police certificates should be made directly to the police authorities in the

    district in which you resided. The police certificate must:

    1. Cover the entire period of the applicant's residence in that area, and

    2. State what the appropriate police authorities records show concerning each applicant, including

    all arrests, the reason for the arrest(s), and the disposition of each case of which there is a record.

    ? If you have any questions about where or how to apply for police certificates in other countries, you

    may communicate directly with the U.S. consular office processing your visa applications.

    ? NOTE: Police certificates from certain countries are unavailable. Detailed information is available

    from the NVC or the nearest United States immigrant visa processing post

    Plz someone help me out with these. am so confused now!!!!!!!!

  4. My wife visa was denied at Delhi Embassy, we are on CR1. Petition sent back to USCIS.

    I received a letter from USCIS that they received petition from DOS and are reviewing it.

    I am waiting now for USCIS review... I went back India after our denial of visa and came back.

    I have sent out a affidavit (written letter) to USCIS and our congressman has put an congressional inquiry on the petition. USCIS has responded back to congressman that they will be reviewing the file again.

    ...... DO I need to apply some sort of waiver of some kind?

    If I have to, then.

    1. When should I apply it?

    2. What is required of me?

    Please help me, post comments.... PLEASE

    Hello pavi,

    Sorry to hear this, what was the reason for denial? i thought COS are not allowed to deny a visa discreationally?

  5. Sometimes, I think it would be better if NVC had a website that we could access like USCIS by signing in. The few times I had to deal with an NVC operator it was annoying because they give you such generic answers and if you talk to two people 10mins apart you would have to answers to one question. Glad to not hve to deal with them anymore. Best of luck to people still dealing with NVC.

    Hello everyone,am a bit confused about i-864.after Aos payment, nvc sent an instruction link below the page to print the required i864.but my wife said she already submitted the i864 to uscis when she filed the i130. plz i want to know how many times can one submit this form. Is she required to submit it again to nvc? plz someone help me out on this thanks

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