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at long last

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    West Haven
  • State
  • Interests
    photography, hanging out with my Honeybun

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    We met online on a photography site. It was all just friendly and fun and there were so many people on there. We then wanted to say more about the photos we posted so we exchanged emails. This continued from Feb 2007 - May 2009. We met in person for the first time and it was like someone set off an explosion...lol We have spent months together going back and forth and are beyond excited for the day we don't have to do the painful airport goodbyes any more.
    What a very special thing it is to finally find someone who actually understands you. Tic toc tic toc tic toc........

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  1. I wish I could shut out the number of days without NOA2 but it haunts me. 255 and counting, 78 days since USCIS received the document for RFE. Glenn and I had our SKYPE running for 84 hours 23 minutes 18 secs over this New Years weekend. I slept on my sofa to hear him breathing while he slept. We are missing each other terribly.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigdog


      Hang in there, sleep with the dog.

    3. Bisola 2011

      Bisola 2011

      Wow! Seems like a scene from a movie, but this is reality. This journey would be a reality show worth watching. My heart and prayers go out to you both...

    4. dukeandduchess


      What in the world is going on with your visa? This makes me so mad. I feel so bad for you guys. I only pop on VJ to check and see if you've finally gotten your NOA2. Thinking of you!

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