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Posts posted by keyto

  1. Hi bigjohn7502, really appreciate your reply! Yes I'm from Singapore. Originally our plan was to leave this August 2014 (same as your timing), but my job promised that I will be transferred to San Francisco branch if I serve 1 year with them (which ends next May 2015). I am unsure if I'm making the right decision, was given advise from people (who never petition for K1 before) to ensure job security before going to the States as the market is really bad.

    Should I re-prioritize things on my side to get everything worked out?

  2. Hi all,

    I received Packet 3 dated 09 September 2013, and I contacted the US Embassy in Singapore to understand there is a 1 year deadline to respond and submit Packet 3 to receive the interview date.

    I am advised by the Consular offier whom I have contacted recently, to submit my Packet 3 as soon as possible, and was informed that my peititon has already expired but will be re-validated when I attend my interview. However, I have to delay the interview date as much as I can as I have a contract that could only release me from work earliest End May 2015. I am not sure if this will trigger a red flag on my petition or not and I'm worried about it.

    I have calculated that I can only do a medical check up earliest End December 2014 to maximize 6 months of K1 Visa validity. Can anyone advise what I should do in my situation?

    Greatly appreciate if someone could see what I am missing :( , I apologize if this is the wrong section I have posted. Many thanks.



  3. Hello! I'm in the process of compiling the packet for filing K1 Visa and heres a question:

    For the G-325A document, I have scanned a copy of my birth certificate, and printed it with a footer "[NAME] - Birth Certificate Page 1 of 2". I did that with most of the attachments throughout the packet. Is the footer needed? Or should I just removed the footer all together to prevent complications? Really want to avoid a RFE if possible!

    Greatly appreciate your help, many thanks!

  4. Hi all,

    My fiance is currently working as a teacher in early education, and during the summer off he's receiving unemployment cheques from the school, and he'll resume working with the school once summer is over again. Will it be a problem when we file the Affidavit of support documents? I understand we need 3 recent paystubs for proof of employment, so not sure if the unemployment cheque will cause some problem for us... Anyone in similar situation? Do advise what we should do :( !

    Thanks in advance!

  5. Yes those visits happend in the last 2 years, and I have not returned to my home country for a long period of time due to my overseas studies. I will take the advise to lay low for now and not visit till I get a job in my home country. I guess having a job at home will determine that I have strong ties with my home country!

    My Fiance is getting a job very soon too and he has a lower possibility to get vacation leave within a year of working.

    I'm glad to hear that if I get denied entry it won't reflect badly for my K1 application!

    Thank you all so much for the kind reply, they are really very helpful!

  6. Hello all, sorry for this long post but I really need some advise for a situation I'm in right now (sending in K1 Visa application very soon)

    I'm have been traveling to USA for 4 times to visit my fiancé when I have my school holidays. My visits usually last for 1 month (happened twice), 2 months and 3 months respectively.

    I was stopped on my 4th visit at the immigration by an officer, and he asked why I visited so many times. I gave the reason "To visit my boyfriend" (I was afraid fiancé is not the right term to use when I don't have a certificate to prove us being engaged). I was told that my reason "Not good enough" and was directed to the interview room.

    I have a few problems that just made the Immigration officer push for more information:

    1) My bf is unemployed for a year

    2) I'm unemployed (Just graduated this year)

    3) I only brought 1000USD for a 3 month stay (We get by usually since his mom usually provide for us)

    4) We met online

    I have a feeling they felt its weird I can visit so many times without much money on hand between me and my bf, and long stay. Kept questioning my background to understand how I got the money. They only stopped questioning after I mentioned my dad owns a business. I'm on the process to send in my K1 Visa, but I'm thinking to make ANOTHER trip this december. But because of their warning, I'm afraid I'll get deported.

    A few questions that I'm really concern.

    1) If I ever get deported, will it reflect badly for me when I apply my K1 Visa? This is my main concern :(...

    2) Should I even visit my BF This december again? How do I manage the immigration officers giving me such a hard time?

    Thank you for taking your time to read. I really wish anyone could provide me with any advise.

  7. Hi all,

    I have been pausing my submission of my K1 Petition for months due to a few informations I could not get hold of. What do you advise in a position where you can't get hold of your father's information as below?

    1) Birth date of Beneficiary's Father

    2) City and Country of Birth of Beneficiary's Father

    Do I leave the form as N/A or just second guess where my father came from / birthdate? He is currently still alive but due to circumstances I cannot get these informations...

    Please do help!

    Thanks in advance!

  8. Hello!

    On the K1 Visa guide, it mentioned to file it at The USCIS Dallas Lockbox, with the following address:


    P.O. Box 660151

    Dallas, TX 75266

    I have followed a few member's timeline and read that there are two filing locations: Vermont Service Center and California Service Center. The question is, Is there a way to choose one of the two servicing center? I read they have different processing time and one can be faster than the other, did your application get re-routed to a location randomly or did you choose?

    Thanks for the help in advance!



  9. Hi, been lurking around this forum for almost a year, and finally I'm beginning my journey for the K1-visa. I'm currently applying for K1-Visa with my fiance in America, and have some questions about form I-134 - Affidavit of Support.


    My fiance has been unemployed for half a year, and his assets does not meet the 125% poverty guideline to sponsor me. His step dad is willing to sponsor me, as he meets the 125% guideline. However, his step dad is mentally challenged (on paper), and we are not sure if that meets the requirement of him being a potential sponsor? Is there any requirements to be a sponsor that I do not know of? How many sponsors are we allowed to have?

    Any guidance will be very much appreciated. Thank you!

    Apologies for the multiple post, know I may sound awful, but really hope someone could help regarding this issue...

  10. Hi, been lurking around this forum for almost a year, and finally I'm beginning my journey for the K1-visa. I'm currently applying for K1-Visa with my fiance in America, and have some questions about form I-134 - Affidavit of Support.


    My fiance has been unemployed for half a year, and his assets does not meet the 125% poverty guideline to sponsor me. His step dad is willing to sponsor me, as he meets the 125% guideline. However, his step dad is mentally challenged (on paper), and we are not sure if that meets the requirement of him being a potential sponsor? Is there any requirements to be a sponsor that I do not know of? How many sponsors are we allowed to have?

    Any guidance will be very much appreciated. Thank you!

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