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Everything posted by MunnoTheCat

  1. i was logged in two minutes ago, and have been able to logged in.
  2. It happened to me yesterday and all 2mfa codes came all together after few hours lol. Right now it is working good to me. Try to switch it to as text message.
  3. nice and congratulations. I love the feeling when there is no notification and all of sudden one gets a surprise of getting scheduled for an interview. lol
  4. congratulations and let us know how your Interview goes. I have the same filing date though lol
  5. i just simply dn't get why processing time in days lol. Matter of fact I shared the link here in this post, and that was also from someone in Houston Tx, same story same situation, plus some more people having the processing time in "days" commented on it. I pray that you hear something soon and within 16 days. Mine is on 27 days as i type this.
  6. dang! quite a story!! didn't you hire a lawyer for filing N400 this time? If not, i would highly suggest to do so. As you stated you have been dealing with this for 25 years, you need to nail it down by getting some good lawyer. I am sorry that you went through all this but, hey you never know this is your time. Keep me posted with your Interview date. I hope you are going to hear something positive. btw it says "29 days left" for me lol
  7. why did you re-file in Sep if you had filed in June and had an Interview letter?
  8. 30 days now. LOL, checked inbox, mailbox, cell phone but USCIS didn't write me that love letter when did you file?
  9. i checked out and this is pretty normal among N400 filers to see this abnormal 31 days approximate timeline. There is a link on reddit explaining this nightmarish 31 days time period. lol but i am still mad why no notice as up yet. lol
  10. another update, processing time went down from 2 months to 31 days. two changes in a week it actually shows as 31 days not in a month format lol. No notice or letter or email or sms though. Are they playing games with me lol, kidding
  11. i can welcome any change at this point lol even a system glitch too
  12. some change today. Went down from 3 to 2 months. Why not anything else besides this? lol Last change was occurred on November 15 when it was on 7 months and went down to 3 months. So another update in 15 days like turning to 2 months. Good going!!!
  13. Looks like that, but wait time sucks big time lol, just saying
  14. wow that's some speed right there. I feel your pain. Just don't want to see this happening to me or anyone
  15. i filed on Sep 13, didn't hear anything besides my processing time went down from 6 to 3 months, and this changed was occured almost a month ago. lol. Who else is still waiting to hear back?
  16. is it a online notice or a mailed one?. Just curious to know
  17. I am so happy to hear that another member is getting through with Interview soon. Yes! you are doing a right thing whether they ask you or not, bring your spouse in just in case. Please give us an update when done with Interview.
  18. just checked my case at 12:40AM and to my surprise processing time went down from 7 months to 3 months. Dang! that's some crazy downhill drive. I don't want to jinx it but thought to share with my sep peeps anyway lol.
  19. It means someone at USCIS put their magic hand on your file and digging into it. Hang tight, you may be next inline
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