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Status Replies posted by didopage

  1. Bli Bli Bloup, Blup Blup Biiiii! *turning thumbs* Bliiii Bli Bliiii! (Waiting for NOA2 makes me crazy)

  2. INTERVIEW JAN. 30:TH !!

  3. Our petition has been approved in january 13th and still no Noa2 on the mail.. What shoud we do? Anybody in the same case?

  4. Fantastic! I found something to do while waiting. I bought a small tree,named it the CSC tree and I will watch it grow! When it reaches the height I marked on the wall, my NOA2 will arrive. Wait and see!

  5. Bli Bli Bloup, Blup Blup Biiiii! *turning thumbs* Bliiii Bli Bliiii! (Waiting for NOA2 makes me crazy)

  6. Will share my POE experience, which is somewhat frustrating, when I've got the chance to do so. POE was SFO last Jan18th.

  7. Bli Bli Bloup, Blup Blup Biiiii! *turning thumbs* Bliiii Bli Bliiii! (Waiting for NOA2 makes me crazy)

  8. Please VSC, no RFE pleaaaase, I miss him so much

  9. Bli Bli Bloup, Blup Blup Biiiii! *turning thumbs* Bliiii Bli Bliiii! (Waiting for NOA2 makes me crazy)

  10. it's official....Colombia bound on Wednesday. :D Can't wait to see my love!

  11. 4 months/122 days since NOA1… CSC, please, move faster !!

  12. Bli Bli Bloup, Blup Blup Biiiii! *turning thumbs* Bliiii Bli Bliiii! (Waiting for NOA2 makes me crazy)

  13. csc is killing me slowly.

  14. Frustrated... I try to play this waiting game patiently, but some days it's just overbearing and I'm a sore loser!

  15. Can I get your opinon on filling with a lawyer verses filing by yourself?

  16. Xīn Nián Kuài Lè (Happy New Year)...Year of the Dragon.

  17. 春节快乐!Happy Chinese New Year!

  18. O..M..G. To go to Colombia for a week or not too go?! I can't stand waiting to see him anymore, this is torture...I think I'm doing it! eff it.

  19. Anyone tried contacting their Senator for K1 inquiry when their file is only at 4 months and a half? And had results after? Thanks

  20. NOA2 received, getting things ready for the next step and visiting my angel on the 1st!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Lonely grey Sunday.

  22. called the NVC to get our case number today, but they haven't recieved our petition yet. Oh well, after all this waiting I guess I can handle another week ;) How long did it take for you guys?

  23. i wish i could say everything is fine but this long wait is badly, badly, badly affecting our relationship and we are already considering withdrawing the petition by the end of the month. i just want to thank all of my vj friends for the support.

  24. Affidavit of support package review completed and accepted @ NVC.

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