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Status Replies posted by didopage

  1. great, another weekend. lovely.

  2. Within the last 3 days our case was recieved by the NVC, left the NVC, and has arrived at the embassy in Stockholm! Now that is something! :)

  3. it's official....Colombia bound on Wednesday. :D Can't wait to see my love!

  4. Within the last 3 days our case was recieved by the NVC, left the NVC, and has arrived at the embassy in Stockholm! Now that is something! :)

  5. Astounded by the number of "NOA2! What now?" posts lately. What have you been doing during the wait people? Maybe try some reading/research to pass the time, eh?

  6. Wonderful! We've been approved!

  7. Stupid question (or not): do I need the original of my fiance's naturalization certificate for the K-1 interview?

  8. Just saw ont he DHL tracking system that there is a package on the way to Stockholm.. I think it's my petition!!! I am not used to things moving this fast lol. I like it :)

  9. Just saw ont he DHL tracking system that there is a package on the way to Stockholm.. I think it's my petition!!! I am not used to things moving this fast lol. I like it :)

  10. Stupid question (or not): do I need the original of my fiance's naturalization certificate for the K-1 interview?

  11. K1 Visa Approved!

  12. Ohhh NOA2, here you are, like a month late Christmas gift. But I love you anyway. \o/ :) Oh and forget all I said about CSC, I love you too!

  13. WHAT'S NEXT? I WENT ON MY CASE STATUS AND THIS IS WHAT IT SAID: Request for Evidence Response Review

  14. Hey VJ question when you file your application does it go to a lock box first or to the service center directly? Or does that depend on what you are filing for?

  15. interview was a succeSs :D

  16. Only 49 more days until I get to see him again. :)

  17. WHAT'S NEXT? I WENT ON MY CASE STATUS AND THIS IS WHAT IT SAID: Request for Evidence Response Review

  18. Ohhh NOA2, here you are, like a month late Christmas gift. But I love you anyway. \o/ :) Oh and forget all I said about CSC, I love you too!

  19. Hey I just becam a gold member! Does that mean I'm talking too much??

  20. CSC is on the roll! Go Go, don't stop!

  21. Ohhh NOA2, here you are, like a month late Christmas gift. But I love you anyway. \o/ :) Oh and forget all I said about CSC, I love you too!

  22. Ohhh NOA2, here you are, like a month late Christmas gift. But I love you anyway. \o/ :) Oh and forget all I said about CSC, I love you too!

  23. just got our NVC case number.. and the representative told me they will send the petition to Stockholm tomorrow or Thursday! yayyy! :)

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