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Status Replies posted by didopage

  1. i got this paper from the NVC, it doesn't say the word NOA-2 on it, but says that they sent it off. is this the paper I need to keep???

  2. I tried calling DOS to see if it was entered again today, but it just rang and rang, do they close for the holiday weekend?? I know I'm being impatient :(

  3. I'm fully ready to welcome a packet 3 right now… I know it's cold these days so, should I put a blanket in my mailbox to attract it?!

  4. I'm fully ready to welcome a packet 3 right now… I know it's cold these days so, should I put a blanket in my mailbox to attract it?!

  5. Medical examination 21 february!

  6. I tried calling DOS to see if it was entered again today, but it just rang and rang, do they close for the holiday weekend?? I know I'm being impatient :(

  7. Medical examination 21 february!

  8. Medical examination 21 february!

  9. Medical examination 21 february!

  10. Medical examination 21 february!

  11. Medical examination 21 february!

  12. Now I am complete. Arrived at San Francisco International airport 8 days ago (wow! its been a week already?!) Finally with my baby

  13. I just found the solution to everything... : http://make-everything-ok.com/ Amazing :D

  14. yay! he got my packet of "stuff" haha

  15. Quick update: Interview went very well. I was in and out of the embassy in less than 45 min! I was approved but need to submit a document that I had a lastname change in 2003 before they can print the visa. I am on it! :)

  16. Quick update: Interview went very well. I was in and out of the embassy in less than 45 min! I was approved but need to submit a document that I had a lastname change in 2003 before they can print the visa. I am on it! :)

  17. is off to Stockholm tomorrow! (Interview Thursday morning) Wish me luck :) (PS. I can't believe it's my turn now.. WOW!)

  18. Come on embassy, send my baby his packet !

  19. Come on embassy, send my baby his packet !

  20. packet 3 and beautifol roses in my mail box today! awesome Valentines day gifts!!

  21. I wonder if our stuff has gotten to the embassy yet, it's only been a week . . . think I'll wait til he at least gets my documents before I call.

  22. Am I going to receive my fiance's documents before/after/at the same time as Packet 3?

  23. Feeling lonely and unable to express my emotions... Can't wait for this month to be over.

  24. Am I going to receive my fiance's documents before/after/at the same time as Packet 3?

  25. Feeling lonely and unable to express my emotions... Can't wait for this month to be over.

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