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  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (pending)
  • Local Office
    San Francisco CA
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  • Our Story
    We met in a bar in NYC back in 2009. After many many visits to each other, we are excited to finally be able to live and start our projects together. :-)

    I-129F/K-1 visa process: done (7.5 months).
    AOS/EAD/AP: done (3 months).
    ROC: done (2.5 months).

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  1. Ohhh NOA2, here you are, like a month late Christmas gift. But I love you anyway. \o/ :) Oh and forget all I said about CSC, I love you too!

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    2. didopage


      Thanks/Merci!! Laure, ouaip, mais le mien est pas encore passe par la case NVC donc je pense que tu auras l'interview avant. Enfin ca serait marrant de s'y retrouver le meme jour. :)

    3. Swingman_Tomoyo


      didopage!!! you got yours already?!!! wow congrats! so happy for you!!!!! ;D

    4. didopage


      Yes Swingman!! I guess I'm one of those lucky ones! Thanks, I hope you will have yours soon. :)

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