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Enn & Darin

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Posts posted by Enn & Darin

  1. Thanks everyone. B-) Just about 9 days away from her interview now. We have most everything ready for it. Although I am trying to be patient I really wish her interview was tomorrow. Once she is approved we will have exactly a week (I will be done with my deployment) and then we both fly back to the states!! God bless all of you with your journey. You will get there just keep the faith. :)

  2. Finally Received packet 3 & 4 email from Embassy in Kazakhstan!!! They gave Enn an Oct 25th Visa Interview date. I am not sure if it was because I was getting impatient with waiting to hear from them, so I sent a 2nd email asking about the progress of it. It will be cutting it really close to the time I leave Kyrgyzstan, (November 2nd approximately) but we are gonna make it work!! Praise the Lord!!

  3. Take a look at purchasing a MagicJack for a computer and internet connection if you have one. I am using one while I am stationed here in Kyrgyzstan and I can call back to any phone number in the U.S. from my computer and anyone from the U.S. can call me from any phone, anywhere. It costs about $40 to start and then $20 per year after that, unlimited. check their website... http://magicjack.com/

  4. Wow!!!! I called the Military Help Line Aug 29, 2011 about 10:00pm Kyrgyzstan time and asked about the qualifying factors for "expedited processing" I told them that I was on a military deployment in Kyrgyzstan and was due to leave in 2 months. I got a reference number from them over the phone. They submitted the request for expediting and explained to me that it may take 5 days for a response. Today Aug 31 2011 at 4:00am Kyrgyzstan time I received an email from USCIS that the "Expedite was approved! 2 hours and 15 minutes later...another email from USCIS...I-129f APPROVED!!!!!

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