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Everything posted by Trav&Shell

  1. Well that’s awesome!! I like it a lot. Finally got my date - Nov 6th at 9am in Roanoke! What a relief, lol…😊
  2. Oh ok - lol! I was thinking maybe the timing had something to do with geographic location, but who knows? Congrats to your coworkers husband too! 😊
  3. Oh so you’ve been scheduled!! Maybe I’ll get my ceremony date soon too…congratulations!! ❤️❤️
  4. Interview was successful, oath ceremony is being scheduled, and feet have been in the Atlantic Ocean. Life is good! 😊
  5. LOL - I might do that too! “Well officer, he’s in the parking lot in a car with such and such license plate…would you like to meet him?” 🤣
  6. Is he allowed to go inside with me? I got it in my head that he wasn’t, but if he is then I’d like him to! I think I’ll just get him to quiz me on all of the questions lol…
  7. Oh gosh, I mix a couple up too! I’m making Travis quiz me on the drive over tomorrow, so that it’s all fresh (my short term memory is great but long term is pretty bad lol). I’m trying to keep myself from being too nervous…😬
  8. I know…I’m afraid I’m going to forget something! But I’m packing tonight so hopefully we will catch everything…
  9. Well, that’s a relief! I’ll go back to studying civics now. Thank you!
  10. I know this has probably been answered, but I’m getting nervous (interview is Tuesday). How long does the actual interview usually take?
  11. Perfect! This is very helpful - I’ll relax a bit now.😊 Thank you so much! We are both kind of excited… 🥰
  12. Smart. I’ll do that tonight. Thanks!
  13. That's smart! In my case, none of my family wants to move down here - they're all well established in Canada (since we were all born there). I'm it, thank goodness! (insert sigh of relief here...)
  14. I'm finishing up with printing my tax transcripts, and am going to start to breathe again soon. LOL. We have got so many stacks of paper for them in our basement filing cabinet...sometimes I ask Travis if he's still convinced I was worth all the time/effort/money this took (he always laughs and says I was. )
  15. Jeez…that’s a lot. I sure hope they don’t want that in my case! (And it’s going to be AMAZING to be able to finally shred the stacks and stacks of application documents we have kept for 11 years, lol…)
  16. Will do - I’ll print them today. Thanks!
  17. LOL! Well, that’s a relief! I’m bringing my Canadian birth certificate too, just in case they question why the passport is expired (proof that I was conferred Canadian citizenship at birth, lol). Tax transcripts were not mentioned on my application and were not mentioned in my notice of interview. However, I saw them mentioned on a list of documents for N400. Should I bring them anyway, just in case?
  18. This one doesn’t have the visa sticker in it - the Canadian passport office kept that one when I renewed it in 2016. It does have my re-entry stamp though (I went home for a month when my father was dying). That will work, right? Thank you!! My in-laws have been quizzing me on civics every time I see them, they’re so excited. 🥰 Oh ok, so green card/passport/Virginia drivers license covers all those bases. Perfect!
  19. Good deal. This was the plan - I have my documents all prepared but wanted to be sure. Thanks!
  20. I have been scheduled to have my naturalization interview on July 11th and have a question: - on the letter that USCIS sent, they requested I bring my Canadian passport with me. My Canadian passport is expired. Should I make every effort to get it renewed and back to me before that date, or will it matter?
  21. The appointment letter I received had a list of what to bring on it. We just have to find my husband’s birth certificate and we will be all set. The list should be on the second page of the letter, if it helps?
  22. I don’t imagine they’ll reject anything. From what I understand, the big deal at this interview is if we can speak English, and if we can pass the civics portion. It should be ok! I hope they take my passport. I don’t have my original one with the visa in it, because it expired when I went home in 2016 to visit my father (he was sick). I renewed it before I came back, and Canada kept my old one…😬
  23. Yikes, that could be tight! I have only my expired passport but I’m not going to risk renewing it now unless I really have to (then I’ll rush it lol). Is it bad if it’s expired?
  24. Nope, mine says 1pm but I WISH it was 10am! Lol!
  25. Mine is in Norfolk - two days after my birthday! We are excited! Where is yours?
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