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Status Replies posted by KimberlyAhmed

  1. Had our nikkah yesterday night :) so now we are ~officially~ husband and wife. Will be planning our walima in the future to celebrate with our family & friends insha'Allah

    1. KimberlyAhmed


      Mabrouk, so happy for you both. Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Happy to be under one roof with my hubby

  3. Well Faycel is on his way to America ! He's already on the plane and should be in Qutar in 2 hours !

  4. Applied for SSN today :) it was a nice experience so far, so in 2 weeks Ahmed will have his card by mail insha'Allah.

  5. WoW! I'm amazed by the negative and very judge mental comments on my forum post. I remember stating "I don't want to slam my ex fiancé" Meaning - I left out important info about what has happened to me by the K1 visa holder, info that's not anyone else's business. If I were "marry him" after knowing I'm not happy - wouldn't that be the worse thing to do?! I don't understand others view points, but I don't need to. Our relationship w...

    1. KimberlyAhmed


      You have to what is best for you and your children. Stay strong.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. Ahmed arrived safely with all his luggage alhamdulillah! We've just been getting him unpacked and he's trying to get used to the pets lol but everything is well

    1. KimberlyAhmed


      YEAH!!!! I am sure it was the most wonderful to see him again.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. EAD/AP approved today!

  8. Back home in Florida without him. We finally got everything straight only minutes before departure time. I pray that he is here and I am back in his arms this week.

  9. Married January 17th 2014

  10. My husband is on his way to Cairo Airport

  11. Today is the day! Ahmed will be arriving late this evening insha'Allah alhamdulillah

    1. KimberlyAhmed


      So happy for you both. Enjoy the moments and know you won't have to ever say goodbye again.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. hope everyone is healthy and well. I got lovely sinus infection!! inshaallah good things to come!!

  13. February 11 POE ! I can't wait !

  14. Renewal EAD/AP Combo Card received today.

  15. Happy New Year...my Moroccan husband got his first American FLU so it's been an interesting start of 2014. Stay warm and best wishes!

    1. KimberlyAhmed


      Inchallah he feels better soon. I can remember the first time Ahmed got sick.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. Even worst than depressed!!! WHERE IS THE NOA1??????? At least a sign they start the proccess.. Grrrrr

    1. KimberlyAhmed


      I know I did too. It is hard, not being with your love, but once you two are together here in the USA, the wait will seem like such a short time.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. Even worst than depressed!!! WHERE IS THE NOA1??????? At least a sign they start the proccess.. Grrrrr

    1. KimberlyAhmed


      You submitted two days before a holiday, and just the other day was New Years, so it will probably be sometime next week or soon after that. Relax and try to stay occupied. This is just the first step and each one can take time.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. My husband finally got most of things done before he comes home to me:x wow today he went to get the police clearence to travel and than we can make the flight plans yay!

  19. Your passport is ready for pickup.

  20. Just counting down the days until my love gets here!! :) wishing everybody who is still waiting success and happiness in the new year

    1. KimberlyAhmed


      Happy New Year. The days until he is here, will go by both slow and fast.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. everyday is a little harder but another day closer to hopefully seeing him again

    1. KimberlyAhmed


      Stay strong, love will prevail. I know that is easy for me to say, with my love here with me, but just keep remembering one day you will both be in the same place together.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  22. Planning a wedding is too darn stressful. Name changes, papers, planning, places. Why can't I snap my fingers and it is done?

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