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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  • Our Story
    Meet my fiancee in 2007. He and my mom are from the same town. This is how we meet. He hanged out with my friends which some were his family. Since then we hanged out day and night whenever i would go to mexico. Then during the summer he would go to tucson for a week and i would go see him down there. But in 2009 he stayed in tucson for 82 days and was sent back to mexico and his visa was taken and he was given a punishment of a year and a half. In October 0f 2009 we began to date because we loved each other. In Dec we made it official to my parents. In April of 2010 i got pregnant with our beautiful daughter. In july we got engaged on the beach. He didnt meet our daughter till she was one month. We been through alot. And this road has been very hard on our family. but we have faith that everything will be ok. and this of 2012 we will fianlly be together as a family!!! I love him with all my heart!!

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