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Posts posted by ToddandAlex

  1. Hi

    I recently contacted the US embassy in Canada where we will eventually have our interview to confirm that they received our package from NVC and we received an email back that stated they had sent our package 3 via email 8 days earlier....problem is, no email or hardcopy package 3 was ever received!!! The new email had some links about what is required in the package 3, but it does not have the checklist that I need to send back!! Likewise, I am unsure if I need to send the documents requested on the checklist back with the package 3, or if I just send back the checklist and say that I will get the required things, and then bring things like a long form birth certificate and police check with me to the interview after receiving the package 4???

    I have tried to contact the embassy to confirm, but have heard nothing back and I don't want to waste any more time in limbo as we are on a very tight timeline with our wedding approaching!!!

    If any of you VJrs are saavy, PLEAAAAAASE help us with this!!!

    As far as I know, this is what I have to send back to the embassy as part of the Package 3 for Canada:

    -DS-230 PART 1 AND 2






    so my question is, do I need to send in DS_260 as well?? Also, do I need send in my 2 passport photos, my long form birth certificate and police check when I send in the package3, or do I just bring these with me when I go to the interview????

    Sorry for the novel, but epically confused and have shed waaaay too many tears over something that should only be bringing us joy!

    Please help if you can!!!! Thank you!!!

  2. Hi guys

    Quick question that I can't seem to figure out....my fiance in Canada recently moved and I see all over that she needs to fill out a form and call USCIS to confirm. When she went online to change her address, the form asked regarding her address in the US, but she still lives in Canada? So when she couldn't fill out that form, she tried calling the office and the lady that she spoke with said that she did not need to fill out a form and that she should just bring proof of her new address when we get to the interview in Montreal. I know that is what the USCIS employe said, but it seems a little strange...does anyone have any thoughts or experience with this?? Thanks!

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