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Posts posted by tehbry

  1. Hello. Thank you to this great resource. My wife (UKC) and myself (USC) are about to apply for our immigration visa for her to come to the US. I have a lot of questions, but only one that I haven't been able to find a good answer.

    She has Irish and UK citizenship. In her Irish passport, her name is listed in the Gaelic first name, with her maiden name as her last name. On her UK passport, it it listed as her normal, and birth name both first and last (maiden name). For clarification, the last name is spelled the same in both, but the first name is spelled different in the two passports. A few notes: She always travels with her Irish passport, so evidence of our trips together are inside that document. In her Irish passport, the last page states 'birth name of (same name in UK passport).'

    Here's my question: Do we need to do anything on the I-130 or the G-325A that shows her alternative spellings of her first name? Will we need to do anything in regards to later documents such as the 864 or 230 for the NVC process?

    Thanks for your help.

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