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Everything posted by fm2002

  1. In filling out the names of past beneficiaries do I use their maiden names or married names?
  2. In this section of the DS-160 form who are they asking about? I the Petitioner?
  3. Thanks for the helpful replies. !
  4. Thank you for your reply. The 90 day to get married after US entry and the 4 month from issuance of I-797 to interview date I've been able to confirm. Could you please direct me to where you read about one has 6 months from medical exam/approval to enter the US.
  5. My fiance just received her K packet 3 & 4 by email. Of course were excited about this so this question(s) may come off as a surprise but I would like to know what deadlines are for the following deadline for the interview assuming were accepted deadline to enter the US once fiance enters how long until we have to marry (pretty sure this is 90 days) Our goal is of course to be accepted, but we're looking at how long we could delay it? Thank you
  6. I know they never naturalized and i know they both no longer live in the US. My ex from over 20 years ago lives permanently in Japan and doesn't need the green card anyway. Sure it has long expired. The more recent ex is in Thailand. Her Green Card is about to expire and certain hasn't worked or visited the US in almost ten years. So I'm guessing thats how USCIS can find out if there still in the US or not is with their A#. Any other way I can prove this? If not my income has to support a household of 4 @ $39,000.00??
  7. Almost certain they never filed a I-407. I found the Alien# for one of the two but not the file date. The other is from like 20 years ago and won't be able retrieve anything. Am I in trouble of being denied?
  8. Filling out the I-134 for my K-1 Visa. Question 18 asks; 18. Have you previously submitted a Form I-134 on behalf of a person other than the beneficiary listed on this Form I-134? Now in the past I have been approved for 2 prior K-1 Visa/Green Card(s) before. Obviously we since been divorced and neither live in America anymore. Would i need to list thim? If Yes it would a struggle at best to hunt down the dates and A number for each Please advise Thank You
  9. Where they ask for both beneficiary and Petitioner "Employment End Date" if it's ongoing or hasn't ended do you leave blank or write in PRESENT?
  10. @SalishSeaThank you Does the Letter of Intent(s) need to be notorized?
  11. Thank you for your speedy response. Was able to find what I believe is the filing date of my former wife's 1-129F. Any idea where I could find her "A" number? It's why I mentioned having a copy of her green card thought it might be printed there somewhere?? Again do I give her legal name as a petionenor for 45a.?
  12. Have some specific I-129F questions. My Fiance is from Thailand Questions; 1. I have been married before. On Part 1 question 38a. they ask for "Name of Previous Spouse"? for Family Name do I provide her Maiden name or her married name which is my last name? 2. Part 1 question 43, Have you ever filed !-129F for any other beneficiary? I marked "Yes" as I've been married before and this prior wife I applied for and was granted a K1 Visa and Green Card. Is "Yes" the correct answer? If yes where do I find her "Alien" number? How do I find "Date of Filing"? Especially since I have no contact with her. I do have a copy front and back of her green card. 3. Part 2 question 62 "Your beneficiary will apply for a visa abroad at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate at: My Petitioner is from Thailand so would Bangkok Thailand be correct or would it be somewhere in the U.S.? Thank you in advance
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