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About Melissa&Ryan

  • Birthday 11/02/1982

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Charleston SC
  • Country
  • Our Story
    I am a Canadian, and my boyfriend is American. We have met 3 times in 2010 and once in 2011. In 2011 i decided to take a vacation for 2 and a half months to go visit him in the United States. We fell deeper and deeper in loveand got engaged. So i returned here to Canada so we can start the long long process of getting everything legal. Hoping it doesn't take as long as some people say it does! We have plenty of documents and photo's and information to add to all the forms. I can't see having any problems with the whole process, except the waiting time.... patience!! But in the end, this will all be worth it !!!

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  1. hmmm i think im going to start freaking out like everyone else.... maybe it passes the time faster then enjoying another day closer to our goals.....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dan & Jenni

      Dan & Jenni

      ummm no but i would love to see you walking to work wearing bicycle shorts and a blinky red light... i bet you get some funny looks haha :P

    3. Melissa&Ryan


      im offended by that comment, how dare you think i would wear bicycle shorts and have a red blinky light, .... my light is blue!!! lol

    4. Dan & Jenni

      Dan & Jenni

      haha sorry i must be thinking about the other person im stalking lol

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