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About bryand01

  • Birthday 03/19/1948

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    National Benefits Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    As an Exchange Studnet in 1966 I attended a Hight School in LA.During that time I took out Cathy on several dates but nothing 'serious' developed. On returning to Australia in 1967, I joined Qantas and during my thirty eight years with them, my wife and I were able to travel frequently to many parts of the world, including some return visits to my LA High School.

    Following High School, Cathy went on to college, gasrduating with an MBA. She went on to become an auditor for Citigroup in NYC. Although based there, she was required to travel throughout South America and was away from NYC for about 90% of the time.

    Even apart, our paths crossed from time to time and somehow we managed to exchange Christmas Cards once every five years or so.

    By marriage failed in the late 90's. Several years afterward, I happened to receive an email from Cathy who was invited my wife and I to her birthday party in LA. I explained that I was divorced but as I was going to be on vacation at the time, I would be delighted to attend. I did and one thing led to another and we commenced a 'Trans Pacific relationship' which lasted four years, before I finally asked her to marry me, on my birthday in London in 2004. As an Australian asking an American for their hand in marriage, I thought that by selecting a neutral country would be proper. Anyway, Cathy agreed and we were married in Pasadena on June 11 2005, about 5 kms from the Hight School that we both attended in 1967.

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  1. My words of advise is to simply relax. I know that this might be asking a lot but if you can it will help immensly. Most IO's are human and understand the pressure that you have been under just to make it this far. Being from Australia my IO said that he believed that I would have only 'minor problems' with the language and that therefore the language test would not take place. He then went on to ask the ten questions - I remember the last one distinctly. He asked me to describe the geological structure of the pre-Cambrian period Californian coastline. When I replied, " I don't believe that question is on the list' his reply was, "No its not and you have passed......congratulations'
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