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    Travel, reading ,cooking, scuba diving, read, socialize ......

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    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
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    Vermont Service Center
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    Met in skype 2010

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  1. My life has change forever ..... :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dumb/Dumber


      Erika is right Evelyn. You must make sure he knows what makes you happy and he will give it his all. And you too have to be understanding of him. But it can not be one giving all and the other giving nothing. The secret is making your feelings known. Umit talks about everything with me. I tell him what I feel and he tells me what he feels. I have found that he can be very understanding if I just calm down and tell him what I am feeling. He quickly understands. But if I just get angry...

    3. Dumb/Dumber


      Erika is right Evelyn. You must make sure he knows what makes you happy and he will give it his all. And you too have to be understanding of him. But it can not be one giving all and the other giving nothing. The secret is making your feelings known. Umit talks about everything with me. I tell him what I feel and he tells me what he feels. I have found that he can be very understanding if I just calm down and tell him what I am feeling. He quickly understands. But if I just get angry...

    4. evelyn1140


      I know what you mean the have a temper. Believe me I know

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