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Posts posted by G&T

  1. We're getting married at the Top of the Rock: $200. To that add the document marriage costs: $50. Tickets to the Top of the Rock: $21.50 each. My dress and his tux: $275. Rings: $250. Photographer: $150. (I work in the industry so I have a couple of friends that offered their services even free, but I believe in remuneration for work). Then I secured a basement at a bar in the city. They are only charging for the open bar for wine and beer: 100 guests= $1000. Other miscellaneous (beauty salon, rent a car, incidentials): $500. So, as it is, I'm well under 3K and I do not intend to spend more than that.... and I live in NYC!

    There's absolutely no need to lose ourselves in unnecessary logistics. I receive emails from David's Bridal, The Knot, some other ####### and I delete. I've read photography packages of $3k. In this day and age, there's no need for that. Hint: go to a photography school and hire a a talented up-and-coming photographer. You'll be helping him/ her because they can put it in their resume/ portfolio and at the same time you'll be saving money.

    i'm glad we all have our priorities straight!

    I was checking a photographers' profile since 2009 until I had the guts to ask him early this year how much he was

    charging... I felt like Humpty Dumpty from my high wall and had a great fall... $3,500 is his price for labor :wacko: .

    SO after that, and as for me Pictures are important, I got of the great wall and found one that we can pay for.

    But hey, could you give me the info that bar's basement??

    I am considering a few options but I almost got everything put together in my mind. The problem is that the financial equation goes a little over 5000 when is taken to reality. :bonk:

  2. Our wedding cost less than $2K. Rings included.

    And I looked damn good too.

    We got married in a hotel suite with about 10 people there. Had a fancy dinner in the restaurant, replete with cake and booze.

    I bet you can do it for way less that 5K.

    Challenge accepted... heheheh

    I like the Hotel suite idea. I am still reviewing my options.

    Also his parents are coming from Germany :D and my mom is traveling to NY too so lets see how we manage.

    I want to shorten my list of guess to the JUST the necessary ones to cut more cost.

    My sister was telling me that it would be rude not to invite Blu or Bla, so I just answered, "BLU or Bla can come as long as you pay the $100 something per diner per each of them yourself :devil: "

    Unfortunately here one has to forget about wedding etiquette and go by "WHAT MY pocket Can afford and WHAT YOU WANT etiquette".

  3. I am planning a small wedding and even if I had the money I wouldn't see myself having a big wedding or spending 30,000.

    My budget is under $5,000 for everything ,as living in NYC doesn't help much .

    My big splurge will be on a photographer and dinner for around 18-25 close relatives & friends.

    Anyways :ot2: At the end of the day you just want to tie the knot and be with your love one. MR & MRS :)

  4. So I am finally filling this out.

    As you know question 11 is asks if you Intend or not to make specific contributions to support your fiance.

    Do I have to include that I will give money and an amount or is it ok to just answer?:

    I Intend


    this one to me is a bit tricky so pleaseee share some light.

    Thank you.

  5. If your fiancé can't make you happy on that special day, why get married??? I may seem arrogant but that's just because I know what I want..anyway, a wedding is all about the bride..Hahaha

    Me and my fiancé we didn't plan the wedding coz we end up arguing at first..Lol ! Until I let him decide of his plans of our wedding..if she makes me happy or hate him the rest of our life..Hahahha!!! Btw, it's really depending on what you both feel.it's a matter of compromise coz my fiancé explain it to me can't have a big wedding within 90 days...sOo true

    Goodluck everyone!!!

    I think that as long as you can pay for much more than 75% of what you are wishing for ,you can put such pressure on your partner.

    A wedding is indeed about the bride , but also about the groom. And well , there has to be a middle point, after all that is what marriage is about is not about becoming ONE but understanding that WE ARE TWO.

  6. In all likelihood it's not USCIS' system that's causing the delay, but the system at the FBI or CIA or NSA or some other three letter US government security agency. The security hit could have been about you or your fiancee, or maybe it isn't about either of you but just someone with a similar name or other biological data. Not much you can do other than wait until they've cleared both of you.

    I really hope so because I can't still figure out for which reason they are running more checks on us. It is what is ,

    I just hope that they don't really take the 6 months time frame. ={

  7. I called the NSCS as I am already on the 5 months mark , I placed a service request, and this is what they answered...

    Type of service requested:

    -- Outside Normal Processing Times

    The status of this service request is:

    The processing of your case has been delayed. A check of our records establishes that your case is not yet ready for decision, as the required security checks remain pending.

    Until the security checks have been completed, we cannot move forward on your case. These security checks are required to be completed on all applicants who apply for the immigration benefit you are seeking. We will make every effort to make a decision on this case as soon as the security checks are complete. If you do not receive a decision or other notice of action from us within 6 months of this letter, please contact us by calling our customer service number provided below.

    The really got to be kidding me, is like my file has been collecting dust all this time on someones desk, so frustrating. And now what?? =(. The funny thing is that I obtain my citizenship last year, how difficult is to run a back ground check on info that should be fresh in their system.

  8. I reached the 5 months processing period and yes I still on the wait line.

    I called the NCSC and the only thing that they could do was place a Service Request. The lady told me that I will hear from them withing 30 days .

    Has anyone gone through this and if so, how long did they take to reach back to you, seriously 30 days more :blink: ?

    Even if I called the NCSC already, can I contact my senator to push the case a bit more?

    please tell me about your experience on this if you had any, Uber frustrated here. :wacko:

  9. So my fiance and I got engaged in Scotland (where he lives) mid-April and filed the paperwork which USCIS received May 16th. We received the NOA1 very soon after that but are STILL stuck in the preliminary (background check) stage of the process. Our wedding is November 5th of this year and I'm terrified we aren't going to have this visa in time. I've spoken to USCIS and they said we could still get married but then we'd have to start the process all over again to file for a spouse visa and there's no guarantee he'd be able to stay. We've spent way too much time apart and I don't want to wait any longer! Anyone have any advice? Does it really only 5 months for this (in which case we'd be fine) or is it much longer?


    It seems like you will have to reschedule your Wedding date :( . I received my NOA1 on April 4th and I am still waiting for NOA2. That said, the overall process can take around 7-8 months if you are very lucky and 9 montsh to more than a year if you get unlucky or have multiple RFE.

    I am lacking as much patience as you are, and was also planning to have a wedding around NOV. 28th but it is what it is. You have waited for long before to be with your one and only, a little more ( even if I get frustrated too with the thought of it)is all that it take, just a little more. Good luck

  10. Hello Everyone!!

    I've been reading about the k-1 process a lot since I want to bring my fiance from Cuba. My question is, After I receive NOA2 is when I have to call the embassy to schedule the interview?? For other countries this is totally different process . Can someone clarify this for me? Im kind of confused. :unsure:

    thanks !

    Maybe Wanda can answer that for you as her fiance is from Cuba too. She is the only one on my friends list. contact her. Good luck.

  11. I always figured the waiting would be easier as time got CLOSER to the five month mark but we're both starting to get very antsy about the whole thing. I think I would even take a RFE at this point because then at least I'd know someone was even looking at our case!

    ... Going to visit him in a couple weeks for almost a month though, so that's helping with the wait but I'd still like to know that the end of this step is at least in sight!

    G'luck everyone who's waiting :D

    I second the RFE idea... :crying:

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