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Everything posted by Griselita

  1. Hello ! My son finally received the notice that its petition is awaiting an interview appointment and that the case will remain at the NV until an appointment is scheduled and that they will notify when an appointment is scheduled i remember WITH MY CASE years ago that there was no email notification, but a mail sent to my address, that was all. My son want to move to another country for 5 months irn order to finish some studies and works (he works and study online) but he and i, we are afraid to miss any notification, we would be relying on online notification solely. The previous notification of waiting for visa interview was on February 10th this year, he is going abroad next April 8th, have anyone any idea when would we expect the next step? any notification or whatever?
  2. Hi! I have about 8 years in the States as a Legal Permanent Resident, i started the process for petition of my son, all paperwork is done and paid, he is currently waiting for the priority date, which for him is NOV-2015, so it is close. And my question is, does it affect him, delays or alter or whatever if i initiate the process for my citizenship?
  3. if i click continue it will send the report to the IRS but i fear it gets back or to cause me a problem further
  4. yes, i was expecting that to (the highlighted error) but it only shows that messaqge
  5. NO! that is what i am waiting help for, the error mentioned there is not clearly specified, i dont know hwich the error is
  6. has anyone an idea why is this?
  7. THis is the error tax slayer is givingme
  8. in the w2 form, part 13, This is what i got
  9. Hello! thank you for the response. so, if my w2 has an x en the retirement plant box, i do need to fill the 8889 form, thats it? i am using tax slayer, have any idea how do i do that?
  10. Hi! i always have used taxslayer, no problem at all, but this year, tax layer show me a problem with my filling, and i think it is related to the box 13. which it is the only thing different from previous year, so there is an x in the retirement plan box. what do i need to do?
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