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Posts posted by redwanda

  1. Wow they took ages sorting your EAD card out it normally takes around 90 days!! As for the SS office well I applied for my SS and was told I was out of processing times having waited 6 weeks. (out of processing times sounds familiar!) So I said ok then you need to advise me of your complaints procedure, your mistake you rectify it and low and behold it was all sorted within a couple of days! This was all done via the phone as the was no way my husband could or should have to take unpaid leave.

    They sent an rfe for my EAD, they wanted an affadavit to confirm my full name. God only knows why, it was on every form I sent!

    I think I will wait until I have the green card in hand before I contact SS again, I'm not saying I'm a pessimist but I won't quite believe it until I see it, lol.

    That's a new one! Thanks for adding some variety today Redwanda and congratulations.

    Thanks and good luck, you filed about the same time as me, hopefully you will hear something soon too.

  2. I guess you wont be able to change your ssn until the systems up date. Thanks for sharing, you're one of the VERY lucky ones, I honestly can say I have never heard anyone get a reply so quickly after sending in a service request. I have however heard of people submitting them and not even getting a response as if they didnt send one!

    I know, I was shocked!

    The thing about my ssn is I had the EAD card which was issued in December, so plenty of time to update. The guy is the social security office said it looked like someone had made a mistake and not updated the system. I spent the next morning on the phone to 3 different people to try and sort it out and was given 3 different answers! In the end I decided to leave it and wait and see what happens as I don't want to have to make an info pass appointment. I don't drive yet so it means my husband taking more time off work and I want to avoid that if possible.

  3. Thats great news!!! Congratulations!! Enjoy!

    They responded to your service request in a few minutes? You are lucky I asked that same question today to Movin On and it seems the norm for it to be assigned is 30 days, did my first request yesterday and unassigned! sigh! Didn't realise service requests were replied to by local offices, did they say they were the field office or was it in the letters of the correspondence?

    Any way at last you have the GC and can rest until Roc, go celebrate! :)

    Yeah first I received an email to say they had received my request, and to expect a reply within 30 days, then a few minutes later the office in New York sent this:

    The status of this service request is:

    On 04/13/2015, you or your representative contacted USCIS concerning your I-485 to notify us that you believe your case is outside of our normal processing time. Below is a summary of what we found and how the issue has been or may be resolved.

    Based on your inquiry, we have reviewed the status of your case. We have received your case from the national Records Center and it is now under active examination. This office acknowledges the completion of your case as being outside normal processing times and realizes the inconvenience it may cause. The delay has been necessary in order to ensure the thorough processing of your case and provide you with the best possible service. USCIS will notify you as soon as possible if any further information is needed from you or when a decision is made.

    We hope this information is helpful and appreciate your continued patience.

    I have called since then, but just because I tried to finally change my ssn into my married name and they couldn't verify me, that's still pending, so I hope that I will hear something about that soon. My daughter had no issues getting her number with her EAD card.

  4. To Movinon and Shell, thanks for the invite, and to everyone else Hi! I have been a long time lurker here and have found you guys to be a great support throughout this whole process. I guess it's only right I say thanks.

    My situation is I arrived here 3 years ago with my daughter on K1 and K2, and didn't actually file for Aos until July of last year, things just seemed to always get in the way. Anyway I received the NPIW in december and found this forum then. Through the advice of you great people I made a service request last month, to which I received a reply within minutes from the NYC office saying they had my case and were working on it. My biggest concern was having to re-do the medical as so many unlucky people have had to do. As there are 2 of us the expense was what I was dreading! Then last Friday I checked my case and lo and behold it said my card has been ordered - exactly 1 year to the day that my medical was done!!! Thank God for that.

    I wish you all the best of luck with everything and realise that I have been really lucky, but owe a lot of it to the help found here.

    Thanks guys

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