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dwheels76 last won the day on January 15 2020

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About dwheels76

  • Birthday September 6

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  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Local Office
  • Local Office
    Houston TX
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  • Our Story
    Thank you God for all your mercies. We are done. Citizenship done. Passport received. Now time to chill and relax.
    He just keeps blessing us. I give you all the praise and honor Lord for what you have done on our behalf.!!

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  1. And the good news just keeps on coming. My DS-3032 was accepted and my IV BILL the wonderful nice lady said will be invoiced in a day or two. Oh and they are working throughout the weekend and labor day so stay tuned ya'll.

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    2. d434qte


      I noticed some ppl were getting things on saturday and the ppl were telling them it was for work completed on friday i should have known that didnt sound right..silly me!

    3. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      New month, new blessings, new prayers answered!! Get ready everyone, the news you have been waiting for is coming! :)

    4. dwheels76


      yeah when u get a nive operator and start complimenting them u can get alot out of them.

      all i had said to the lady was "bless u, ur the best i hope u have a great restful long three days." she was like nope no way i'll be here all weekend. I was like no way this weekend. She said we will be fully staffed all weekend even monday to get caught up. she got sad poor thing.

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