We both met on a mmorpg pwi.
She was a Venomanser i was a Archer and i neted help with my quest and so she did , we wer talking a-lot and we allready had something in commen (gym) so i logged off and the next day we wer questing together again , and again and again day in day in each day , so she asked me my myspace channel so i gave it to her , than she gave hers. im like oh so that is the person i am talking to the whole time. And she was thinking the same. After a short time she asked me if i had skype , but im nervous if its come to voice chat but still i said , yeah i have and we talked. than we share facebook, and after a while she wanted to meet me and so we did , and thats when we both knew its going to work out between us =)
and after that 1ste time we desited to send a application and that she gonne come a 2nd time , and so we met again ^^ And now im here Married to her and sending 2nd part of the app =D