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Impatient Cupcake

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About Impatient Cupcake

  • Birthday 09/10/2008

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  • Interests
    trolls and cupcakes

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    Removing Conditions (approved)
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    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Wichita KS
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  1. finding it very very hard to stay positive

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. didopage


      I've seen your comment on a topic… 2 times a month too much, wow. I don't remember, did you manage to put a service request?

    3. Impatient Cupcake

      Impatient Cupcake

      i don't even think it's right for them to say that. it's the reason why offices have phone numbers. they're supposed to receive calls. we wouldn't call if they could only tell us if they received our rfe or not. they even said they can't call csc to check for it unless the reason was "earthshaking".

    4. D & R

      D & R

      June 23,2011 here. I feel your pain.. its taking wayyy too long for them to process!!

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