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Posts posted by Dine

  1. Hi all

    I am back, unfortunately.. :) My assignment ended, so Im back to being unemployed. I don't like it one bit, was really nice to be working again. Hopefully this ,if short, experience will make it easier to find a new position quick. I worked as a secretary in a big pharmacy in St. Louis, so if anyone has tips for employment in St. Louis, I'll be glad to hear it.

    How are you all doing? :)


  2. I am a licensed pharmacist in my home country, but as you have said, to get the license here is a long road to go.

    I just got a job here so I would like to share my experience, hope it would be helpful for you.

    Since I cannot work as a pharmacist here yet, I decided to go for Pharmacy Technician career so I can get my feet in the door while trying to obtain the license here.

    From what I read, you are not yet certified or registered even as an assistant/aid.

    First of all, you have to check if the requirement of Physical Therapy Assistant is certified and registered with the State, if it is needed, then you will have to get it before going out for the job hunting. It will open a lot more opportunity for you.

    After I got my Green Card, I went to take the exam and got certified Pharmacy Tech within a week. Of course I have studied and practiced the exam while I was waiting for my Green Card to get approved.

    Then I registered with Texas State Board of Pharmacy. This process took me around 4 weeks.

    I was about to send applications while waiting, but all their application forms asked if I am registered and some asked for registered number which I didn't have it yet.

    So I waited because I think if I sent them, they will just throw my resume away and it would be problem to re-apply again even after I got registered.

    I got my registered number on May 13th. then I started to sent out a lot of applications that I can find on Job Boards online, I sent around 30 apps in 2 days.

    2 weeks passed, I haven't got any call/contact back from the jobs that have posted on big Job Boards like Indeed, Monster, Simplyhired or CareerBuilder. NONE.

    After I sent all those apps till I couldn't find anymore job to apply, then I tried Craigslist. I found a few there which were not posted on those big Boards. I sent 2 applications on May 16th, I got a call the next day and scheduled the interview on Thursday May 24th. My first interview for Pharmacy Tech!

    And that was it! They hired me with the standard rate. I am now waiting for drug screen test result which I am sure I have no problem about it.

    My new employer is not a small one, they are just conservative and do not have open position often enough to have recruitment agencies or post on the big job boards out there.

    So.. my advice is:

    1.Get yourself certified and registered

    2.Craigslist is a good source, less competitiveness, less recruiting steps (because most of the jobs there, are posted by employers not agencies). Most likely your emails or phone calls will reach your future boss directly.

    3.Believe in yourself and be patient!

    I hope this help and good luck! (F) (F) (F)


    Congratulations, great to hear you got a job! I cannot work as physical therapy assistant either, because this is a degree of its own and you must be licenced in the state of Missouri as a PTA. It doesn't matter that I am already a PT, I would have to go to school to earn a degree as a PTA. I can however work as PT aide, and I do not need any licence for this.

    I have, just like you, tried all the 'big' sites, with no luck thus far. I have also sent my resume to two or three postings on craigslist, but these turned out to be false. I am always looking though, its the first thing I do in the morning, when I wake up :) I have sent my European PT diploma to be verified by a US credentialing commisson, waiting for the results. This will then tell me what I need to do further to obtain a PT liscence in MO.

    Thank you for sharing your experience. It is much appreciated. :)

    All the best,


  3. tempus fugit.

    sorry. yer probably used to 'online' stuff back at yer home country.

    it doesn't work that way here, in many industries and professions.

    many times, it's who ya know and who knows you.

    no one knows you, you know no one.

    bring sandwiches, make new friends, 3rd shift (you missed that part, and I surmise you not know what it means) also.

    You get involved with LOCAL professional organizations, as well? if not, why not?

    Again, thanks for the advice. I am involved with local organizations, I am connected to a professional employment group and so on..

    As for your other advice, I have been advised not to do that actually. :)

    But I appreciate any input. And yes, things were different back home. But as I wrote in my first post, I am only applying for jobs that I am well qualified for. I do not expect a great job with great pay all at once. New beginnings can be rough anywhere. I would just like it to be a job within healthcare, because that's what Im good at.

  4. Hello,

    there are LOTS of voluntary jobs in hospitals, and if you start as a volunteer you might be a top pick when a permanent position opens up. That's how I got my job...

    Good luck!

    Hi there

    Thanks for the reply. I don't mind doing volunteer work, I have done some already, but I really need a job now. Working as a PT aide for example is almost the same as working as a volunteer, the pay is almost non existent :D But I would be more then happy to do that right now.. I need to have an income.

    People help!!!!! :))

  5. then that would be a no. You not walk around. 'applying online' won't work for you.

    you should walk in, on the third shift, talk with folk in the nursing stations, and inquire. The third shift folksen usually have been there forever, know everybody, and can tell you who to talk to..

    if'n yer nice to them

    and if'n you bring sandwiches (no, i'm not kidding)

    Really? Seems kinda odd and imposing.. I've never done that before :)

    Yep! Weather here is weird, can go from very hot to cold temp in a few hours. Just keep applying, it will take time, and work on your certification because it will helps you a lot. It took me more than 6 months to get part-time job when we're still in IL, then more than a year before I got job in my field which is the reason we moved here in St. Louis. I don't know much in medical field but it seems there's a lot here, just don't focus in St. Louis area, search on nearby counties.

    Yes!! We don't have tornados at home.. There are a lot of jobs, or at least it seems so, it is just terribly difficult to catch one ;) Where in St. Louis are you, if I may ask?

  6. hi VJ

    i am here in America from 6 weeks I am from Egypt i live in st Clair mo and looking for job any kind of jobs i just need to work now

    i wish if any one can help me to find job i try all websites and many thing hope to hear new news thanks for all


    I hope you find a job quick, I am in the same boat as you are, I posted a topic yesterday. You could try sites such as indeed.com, monster.com, careerbuilder.com Look for local postings in 'hiring now' and such.

    All the best


  7. Hi. Tried not only St.Louis, but the Illinois side closer to St.Louis.

    I would suggest to apply in hospitals or clinics as staff while trying to get your certification. You may want to try Kirkswood area, lots of hospitals and clinic there.


    Hi, thanks for replying. I am doing all of that..the only thing is my commute can't be too far out.. I have even signed up with one of those emplyment agencies, hopefully that will get the ball rolling faster.

    It's not all about the money, but being unemployed for this long is not healthy.. I am fairly young ;) and its getting to me.. in a bad way.

    And if you're in St. Louis, you must have noticed that it is too hot here :)

  8. have you had a tour of the hospitals yet?


    Yes..or at least what's been posted online..Thats mainly Barnes-Jewish and Mercy. Apparently it is impossible to get a job at Barnes if you don't have some sort of connection there, someone that could recommend you. I have applied for positions that I am more then qualified for, but nadas. I've also applied for PT tech. jobs at the smaller clinics, but no response.. It's impossible to speak to someone, since none of these companies will leave a number.. I replied to some postings on craigslist too, well..at least I got a response, let's say that much :))

  9. Hi all

    I got my work permit mid March..have now been looking for a job for about a month or so.. I know its not long, but I had to wait six months for the work permit, so it has been plenty. My profession is physical therapy, but I cannot work as a PT yet, therefore Im looking for work in the medical field that does not require a certain degree, such as medical recepcionist, clerk etc(this is all a part of my work as a PT) I am sending online applilcations left and right, but have received very little response. Is anyone on the forum in St. Louis that could help/advise? I am losing my mind not working, and it is pretty much making me depressed.

    Much love and good luck to all of us looking for work.

  10. Hi, i havent been on here for a while either. My dad visited last month for 3 weeks, it was great but now i feel like something is missing and spending my days alone.

    I havent been able to sort out my beauty quification, when i finally found the information on what i had to do, i had to pay hunderds of dollars just to get them converted and see if i had completed the right hours for my nail diploma, but i feel now its been along time that i might as well just go back to school if i want to do it again but money is the issue. Now im thinking do i really want to do it again seen as i havent had much look so far, i keep trying to find things that interest me but not sure if im worthy to do it, im not the brainest of people lol. i am a artistic person, i love making stuff like cards, scrapbooking/flyers and drawing but i havent had any training or have any degrees, i try to think how i could put that to use in a job but i can never think of anything.

    I am applying still for work unfortunly its just factory work i am hoping to hear something soon, beening as christmas is just round the corner. I never been confident but i never felt so scared to do stuff or even speak to ppl ( scared of getting lost and not understanding ppl )than i do since living here. I do feel my life in england was less complicated but i guess its what i was used too. I sometimes wonder if i have a disorder and should i talk to someone. :wacko:

    I am learning to drive, not driving as much as id like, but i think i am doing ok lol, havent crashed or run anybody over so far lol good sign :).

    My husband has given me a book to read called "How to win friends and influence pleople", i think he is hoping it will help me, but i dont know lol.

    How did u get into making bridal accessories?? did u take a class?? My mother in law took a class at Michaels to make these barefoot sandals ( she made some for my beach wedding ).

    nice to know your not alone in these situations.

    Take care

    Hi Rose :)

    Just wanted to hear how you are doing? I've been in St. Louis for just about three months now, and getting bored quickly.. I still can't work, can't go to school..nothing. I have met two very cool girls though, one, thank God, lives here, but the other one is in San Francisco. I am planning to make a trip put there in spring.

    Give me an update :)

    Happy new year, may it be our best yet :)

  11. Hi, Yes leaving family is very hard, i didnt realise how hard it would be till i moved here, when ur going through the visa and resident process it keeps you busy, but onces thats over u then realise.. I so wish my family was here with me all the time, i have never ever been away from my family like this before. I am very close with my family, Some days are worse than others, but i usualy pull through.:)

    Marrying my husband was the best thing i ever did and i have a great marriage :).

    I lived in North Yorkshire, in a small town (A hour from Manchester), alot ppl complained over there about things being expensive, but when u convert it $$ to pounds, it acually works out cheaper lol.

    I have just passed my drivers permit test yesturday so now i can start learning to drive, I had a provisonal back home and had a couple of lessons but never made it to getting my full lience. Im kinda still scared tho to drive on these roads everythings so big and ppl drive crazy.lol

    I have noticed that learners do not drive with L plates on their cars to let other drivers know yr learning, my husband is going to teach me, and i asked about the L plates and he didnt have a clue what i was sayin lol, coz back in England we use them.

    I tried perricone MD procducts and they helped alittle but my face didnt clear properly, right now im just using Neutrogena and again its helped but still not clear properly. Makes me wonder if its something els, thats y i wanna see a Dr.. Iv changed my diet and im losing weight so i know its not what im eating.

    When do you move out here and where u moving too?

    Congratulations!! :) Im a bit afraid of driving there as well, so many cars and so few rules :D I have lived away from my family before for a few years, but I always made sure to visit every two or three months. If couldn't come, they would make the trip over to see me. Im used to having alot of people around me .. Not used to sitting in all day.

    My first aim is to get a job. I have a bachelor degree in physiotherapy, but Im not sure how much good it will do me in US.

    You have to start exploring, take the bus, metro, bike. Once you get more acquainted with the city, you won't feel so 'small' anymore. Take long walks on the beach. :)

    I have my visa interview on the seventh of September. If they deem me as good enough for their country :D I will be probably be moving sometime in October. My habibi is located in St. Louis. No beaches or mountains/fjords there. :D

    On the topic of facial products: I am using origins modern friction dermabrasion and it's fantastic.I have struggled with acne and bad skin since puberty, so Im familiar with most products. :D

    Good night. :)

  12. I haven't left Europe yet, but the hardest part will be being without my family and friends. In Norway you to don't have to worry much about insurances and so forth, it's all covered by the government. I'm sure this will annoy me :D Although I can't complain about the level of expenses. US is much cheaper then Norway.

    But there is a bright side to it, I get to be with him. :)

    I also stuggle with acne.. I used MD formulations while I was there, and it proved to be a really good product for me.

    Keep posting:)

  13. Things will get better!! :) What do you hate there? :D I really dislike the lack of pedestrian pathways and possiblity to get around by bike.

    I haven't left Norway yet (country of nature and outdoor activities), but I've been to the US quite a few times. Their car culture is not appealing, among other things :D

    Just vent from time to time, it helps greatly :D Making friends will be easier once you find work, start school etc.

    Stay strong :thumbs:

  14. I don't live in the US yet, but I've stayed there over a longer period of time already..

    I will definitely miss:

    Norwegian summer nights(even though it rains all summer :D)


    Being able to bike and walk everywhere

    Fresh berries in summer

    Mountain walks


    Speaking Norwegian :-)

    As you can see, Im not quite ready to leave Europe/Scandinavia yet, good thing I still have a few months to go :-))

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