11-18-2010**Meet on Speedate.com we were both canceling our subscrption.
01/13/2011**Meet in Person on Denver Colorado, (his cousins wedding) Met almost all his family, mother, sister, 2 brothers,aunts , uncles, cousins, grandma, including pets. We bought promess rings and made a pact that i we could handle 3 months away . He will be coming in march for my cousins wedding and get engaged.
03/08/2011** B arrives to Mexico to meet my family.
03/11/2011** GOT ENGAGED!!
04/19/2011**bought tickets to meet B in WISCONSIN, and finally meet my soon to be father in law.
Bough tickets for tripped on June 23rd 2011
04/24/2011** Filled in form for received package for K1-VISA
**Supposed to be arriving at the end of the summer**
Tentative wedding date on the US: July 7th 2012.
Wedding in Mexico only religious: June 30 2012